Chapter 8: those are my properties

Start from the beginning

Everyone turned around to face me and the mc looked like he was about to collapse. I saw how Jimin slightly turned his face to my direction not wanting to face someone who is wealthier than him. Mr Jung looked at me confused and than Eunha, staring at me like an angel.

The mc continued speaking but all I saw was Jung's surprised face. Jimin's failure and the way they locked gazes.

I haven't even executed my plan and they're already nervous? *smirk*

I made my way towards the lady who handed me the bidding number and there she stood smiling at me.

"Congratulations sir",  She said while handing me the deed for the property.

"Thanks", I replied while filling it all out and claiming the property as officially mine.

She scanned through it and smiled before taking it with her. The mc came in view and congratulated me as well before leaving. Everyone left, leaving the family members and of course the showoff shorty pants with me in the mansion.

Jung, his daughter and that Park me outside guy.

"Who are you?"
Jung spoke, while approaching me with his hand stuck in his trouser's pocket. Trying to intimidate me i see.

I stood there without answering anything.

He waited for a while than looked at Jimin and back at me.

After no reply, he decided to question again.

"I'm truly surprised at what you did today. But why did you offer such a huge amount?."
Again no answer escaped my lips while he watched me Intensely, looking like an idiot himself.

My bodyguards from our mansion arrived on the right timing since I ordered them to. While everyone was busy in the auction, I was preparing my plan. They all came in wearing black and the looks on my opponents face was satisfying.

Seemed like they were about to shit their pants.

"Take him outside". I gestured towards Jimin and the guards did as told.

"Hey, hey let me go! Do you know who I am? Hands off!!" Jimin squirmed in their tight grip while they took him outside. Leaving the father and daughter all alone with me in the dark, dim mansion.

I signalled the other guys and they all left.

Eunha proceeded to walk after Jimin but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"What the? Let me go". She winced in pain.

"What do you think you're doing!? Release my daughter!" Anger flowed through Jung's eyes only to advantage me.

I see a weekness in those eyes. It's Eunha isn't it?

"Let me go!—..." I released her almost instantly while she held onto her wrist and whined.

"Who do you think you are?!!!" Jung rose his voice higher.

"The owner of this mansion and the captor of your daughter".
I stated.

"What rubbish!!" He rose his voice higher than the previous.

"Wait aren't you that guy from the airport?—Omg it's you???"
She watched me in disgust after finally recognising me.

As if I care.

I smiled through my scarf and took my disguise off, revealing my face.

They watched me as if nothing happened.

Like father, like daughter.

"You look familiar boy". Jung spoke.

"Well of course, internet doesn't display my face for nothing".

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