Chapter 11

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Warning: This chapter is suuuuuuper long, do to the fact that I took the time to be very descriptive and detailed about everything.So you can get a good picture of how it looks like in your mind.I had fun writing this chapter and I hope you guy's enjoy reading it! Thank you- Grace✌️

Brooke's P.O.V.

Brooke and I both got in our beds.
We were so tired, and just got back from the concert today, and it is friday morning.6:25.Everyone went home already."I'm going to sleep"I told Tori, but all I got back was some snoring.
I laughed at her."Your tired, I have to go to dance tonight"Said Paige."Not my problem"I replied.I quickly snuggled into my sheets and fell asleep.

••••10 hours later•••••

I yawned and sat up, stretching my arms out.I looked at my alarm clock and it said..4:30.That means that we have been asleep for...10 hours! And the tour was at 5:00! "Tori wake up!"
I screamed, making her fall off her bed onto the floor.Good thing it was carpet.
It was actually quite funny."Whaat"She whined, half asleep."We have to get ready for the studio tour, remember?"I reminded her.Sighing she got up.
"Do you think were the only people here?"She asked me."Probably"She replied.We both headed to the walk in closet.We fixed it up so one side was her's and the other was mines.I pulled out a short flowy light green, dress.
Which was short sleeved, like a tank top and it had a black, small, skinny, woven belt.I put that on along my black sandals.

Tori had on a black skater skirt,hot pink, short sleeve blouse, a short, black, short sleeve, jean jacket, and black ankle boots with spikes.Next we went to our own Vanity's.I put on some light make up and did a side fishtail braid, while Tori straightened her hair and then put on a black beanie.She looked good."Come on, let's go!"I said excitedly, seeing as though it was 4:50.
We went downstairs to the kitchen.
Buddy was whining at me and looking towards his empty bowl."Sorry Buddy!"
I cried pouring him some dog food and then some water.There was a note on the refrigerator door.

"Dear, Brooke and Tori.Your dad went off to work.Paige and I are at dance.
Josh is out with some friends.Have fun on the tour, wish I could be there.Love Mom"Tori read out loud.We grabbed some left over cup cakes before running out the house and towards Tori's car.I'm going to buy myself a car.
We soon pulled out the drive way and were on our way."Honestly, I wanna see you be Brave"I sung to myself.
"Look!"Tori shouted, making me jump. She pointed at the Abby Lee Dance Company.The girls were....running around the building?! "Abby must be punishing them for not showing up at dance all week"I told her."That lady can be so mean.I wonder how you put up with her"Tori muttered."You have no idea"I replied, shaking my head.

In two more minutes we were there.
Another car was parked in the new lot.
And so was some of the Lifetime filming crew.I will still continue to be on tv. "Oh my gosh"Tori and I say in unison, as we jumped out of the door.In front of us was this BIG building.It was painted navy blue.There were words on it that said: M🌟king Dreams Dance Studio.In yellow.The building was so beautiful on the outside that It made you want to stop, stare, and go inside.
You could tell it was two story's because on the bottom floor outside it was all Navy blue and it had the studio name on it, but The second floor on the outside was all white.And the walls facing towards the front of the building was glass walls so you could see the studio inside, with doors that led to the balcony.The rest of the walls on the second floor were not glass on the outside.There was also a flight of stairs near the balcony so you can leave through that way if you want.

"The outside is beautiful.Better then the way A.L.D.C. looks"Replied Tori.
"I know right"I said in awe."Are you girls Brooke Hyland and Tori Witherspoon?"Asked a blonde headed man, dressed in jeans, and a white T-shirt, with black sneakers."Yes, that's us"I said with a smile as we approached
him."Great.I'm Bob.Are you ladies ready for the tour?"He asked us.
"Ready? We have been waiting for months! Of course we are!"Tori cheered.Bob chuckled, at Tori's enthusiasm.We squealed excitedly as he pulled out the key and opened the door.We walked in and then there was another set of doors.Then we were finally in.Let me tell you that I almost died at the view of this room!!!!

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