Chapter Two

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Me and my family have decided to go out to dinner tonight and I have decided that I will break the news to them.

"Thank you so much!"Mom told the waitress, happily as she handed us our food.

"Your welcome"The lady replied smiling back.

We all dug into our food.I had ordered Pasta.

"So guy's, what's been going on lately?"Dad asked Josh, Paige, and I.

"Hockey try outs are soon"

Josh replied, with his mouth opened.He stuffed rice in hs mouth.Paige and I both gave him a disgusted look.

"Dance.Abby has been looking for new dancers on the team, meaning someone is leaving.Oh and we are having a talent show at school!"Paige says, sounding excited at the part about the talent show.

"That's great honey!"Dad said smiling.

"Whens the talent show?"

Mom asked sounding worried.

"Well I have to audition first, which is in two weeks from now and if I make it, the tlent show will be on September 30th at 9:00"

Paige explains to mom.

"Will Abby be okay with that?"She asked sounding worried.

I remember when I first decided to do cheerleading.Abby was not happy!

"I swear that lady takes the word fun out of dance"Dad mutters.

"But there is no fun in dance?"Josh points out.

"Exactly"Says dad.

"So how about you Brooke? You have been quiet lately.What's going on?"Mom asked me.I sighed.

"Okay.I am going to tell you guy's something.Just please don't be mad at me and promise that you guy's will support me through this"I told my family.

"Totally"Said Paige,Josh, and mom.Dad looked at me curiously before saying,"Your not pregnant are you?"

"Dad no!"I yell,sounding very embarrassed.I can't believe he would think that I would ever do something like that.

"Just asking.If you were I would be really angry and will beat Nolan up for what he did.And you, out of my house"He informed me, pointing out my boyfriend.

"Now I know what will ever happen.Girls, and Josh don't think about doing that till you are married"Mom said.

"Aw man! Was thinking about doing that tonight with Chelsea!"Joked Josh.Dad and mom gave him a really mean stare.

"I was joking!"Declared dad.Paige rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, what were you going to say Brooke"She asked eagerly.

"I, I, I, I decided to um, to um, to um quit dance"I told my whole entire family.Paige burst out crying.

"How could you!"She yelled before running away.

"No!"Mom yelled.Nice job Brooke.

"I will be right back"Dad said leaving to go comfort Paige.

"Brooke, I am not letting you quit dance! I did it when I was your age and I regret doing it.Brooke dancing is a special gift.You can't throw that-"Mom begins to say, but I cutt her off sounding annoyed.

"No mom! It's your dream!

Not mines! You didn't even let me finish! I was done talking and explaining.You all want me to do this and do that, but you guy's won't let me do what I want.It is my dream and my life also my decision.

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