Chapter Seven

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I walked into Sprinkles, a very popular bakery here in Pittsburgh.I went up to the counter to order something.

"Welcome to Sprinkles, I am your cashier today, how may I help you?"The girl behind the counter asked me.

"Hi.Can I have one rainbow chip swirl cup cake with gummy bears, a banna and chocolate cup cake with strawberry's on top, a raisin wheat blue berry cupcake,two baked doggy treats, and a fruity mint swirl cupcake with m&m's to go"I informed her.Don't worry it wasn't all for me!

"Anything else?"She asked me while typing away onto the computer.

"Yes, can I have one mint ice cream cup cake with pretzel crumbled on top  with a chocolate m&m milkshake?"I asked her.Now that was for me.

"That will be twenty-five dollars"She retorted back to me.I took out my purse and handed her twenty-five dollars.She then began pressing these buttons on the register.

She handed me my change and recieite with my number.

"So when you hear your number just come up and get your stuff"She informed me.I nooded before moving to the side to let another customer go.

I looked around the small bakery/parlor and spotted Tori sitting down near the back at a windiw seat.I smiled and walked towards her.She smiled.

"Hay Tori wh- what happened to your cheek!"I began to say what's up when I saw her cheek.There was a red stained finger prnt mark.I sat down across from her.

"Tori who did that to you?"I asked her sounding very worried.She burst into tears.

"You can't tell anyone"She whispered, while crying.

"I promise"I replied.She took a deep breath and sighed.

"Brooke my dad...he slapped me..he also threw me down the stairs"She cried into her hands.WTF?!

"Why the he-"I began to say once again, but my number was called.

"Number 345!"

"Be right back"I informed her, getting up and going to the pick up section.A different girl helled a pink box, the size of a small squared shoe box.It was pink and had many decorations of treats.

It said Sprinkles.You could see the cupcake through the see sheet at the top.

Then there was my cup cake, then other cup cake and milkshake on a holder.I smiled at her.

"Thank you so much.I didn't order an extra cup cake though"I told her.There must have been a mistake.

"Were giving away a free taste of our new cup cake, melted carmel with choclate chips,because it is our twenty fifth Sprinkle university"She explaines to me.

"Thank you"I smiled.I then grabbed my purchases and went back to our table.Tori was crying while munching onto her blue berry, coffee ice cream frosted donut with rainbow sprinkles.

"Why did your dad hit you and push you down the stairs?"I asked, sounding concerned.I took a bite of my cupcake.She sighed.

"Because I defended you,he was in a bad mood, and I wanted to join you"She informed me.I gave her a confused look.Did I cause all of this?

"Okay this is what happened.When he got home he was really angry, because he got fired from his job, considering he hurt his boss because he was yelling at him"Tori began to explain.

"Who hurts there boss?"I asked confused.I took another bite of my cup cake.

"I was in my room doing homework when came home.I heard loud noises and I thought someone broke in so I grabbed my phone and baseball bat and tip toed downstairs.

When I got there I saw my dad throwing stuff.There was glass shattered every where, furniture ripped, it was just a bloody mess.

I yelled at him to stop and finally he did.

So then he sat down and I could see that he was still very angry.I then decided to tell him something to calm him down.So I told him about how you were opening a studio and stuff.

He said it was a stupid idea and all that crap and he started cursing.I told him to shut up and stop talkin about you like that which got him angry and he slapled me hard.

I cried out in pain and yelled at him and cried.Then I began saying how I was planning to join you into onlie school and he just got more angry and threw me down the stairs"She explained.By the end of the story, we were both crying.We then hugged tightly.

We finally pulled apart.I wiped my tears away.

"I can't belive your dad would do that.I thought he was a nice person"I sobbed.

"Ever since mom and claire left us he has never been himself lately.Always angry you know"She cried.

"I can't believe you would do that for me"I whispered tears falling down my cheeks.

"Of course I would.Your my best friend no best sister that I never had in the whole entire world"She cried loudly.I smiled and then wiped her tears away.

"I'd take a shot for you"I whispered smiling.

She returned the smile and said,"I'd take one for you too"

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