Both dark and bright-haired Jounins chuckled, and Minato too chuckled at that. "Don't worry, you are not. These two are speed monsters after all."

"Speak for yourself, Yellow Flash-sama!" Shisui cackled.

Inoichi chuckled. "Well, I used to do missions where your expertise was required, Mr Flash, so it's a no wonder thing." He smiled.

Minato just chuckled at the two, didn't feel offended at all before his face went serious. The three-speed Shinobis immediately straightened up.

"I want the three of you to go to the Watch Tower D now. Kushina's team met a dangerous missing-nin on their way there." He said, the three Shinobis narrowed their eyes at that. "Thankfully Chouza's team and one of the Tower's medic, Harusumi Touka managed to reach in time to help them but all three of Kushina's students are out for a while due to their injuries."

Inoichi frowned at the information Minato gave them. "If I may ask..." He started, which Minato nodded. "Which missing-nin did they encounter?" He continued.

Minato sighed. "Coincidence or not, the missing-nin they encountered was Orochimaru."

"Wha-?! Is Sakuya okay? Orochimaru had always wanted to get his slimy hands on Uchihas! On their Sharingan more specifically!" Kakashi widened his eyes.

"Orochimaru loved to play with their victims before killing them. Did he put Sakuya in a torturous Genjutsu?" Shisui growled as his expression darkened. It was rather scary to see that expression on a cheery-Uchiha.

The three Shinobis knew the Sannin did do it if Minato scowl was any indication. "...Inoichi, I will assign you as the team leader. You three are to leave as soon as possible, so go back now and take any necessary items before leaving. Assist Team Three and Nine when needed, and also I want either one of you to check on Sakuya to see if Orochimaru did something damaging before escorting them back. I will mark this as A rank, assuming the injured Orochimaru still wandering around the forest near the main road and the Tower. If you do by any chance encounter him, capture him but remember he is not your first priority."

The three of them nodded in affirmative before Inoichi turned to the two Sharingan users. "Meet up at the gate in 5 minutes." He said and the three Shinobis immediately shunshined away.

A frown made it to Minato's face as he leaned on his chair after they left. 'I shouldn't have agreed to the so-called C rank when Sakuya just became a Genin for less than three months.' He thought before pulling a paper out.


When Minato dismissed Kurenai from his office after she delivered the message from the Watch Tower, she immediately fast-walked towards the front desk and slammed her hands onto Kana's desk.

"Oh, thank you for your hard work." Kana smiled kindly as if she didn't do anything.

"'He will be in 15 minutes, so make it quick'?!" Kurenai growled towards the smiling woman. "Those two advisors were there having a discussion with Yondaime-sama! They are going to demote me to Genin again! All my hard work will be gone to waste..." She muttered the last part as she pulled her hair.

"You are going to go bald before you even got a boyfriend if you keep that up, Kurenai." Kana mused as she watched the Chuunin let go of her abused hair.

"And relax, you are exaggerating. Besides, I am willing to bet that Hokage-sama felt relief by me sending you to interrupt them." She said, ignoring the 'did you just admit that you used me for that?' look she received from Kurenai. "Oh, and they are EX-kage advisors by the way, please remember that. Now go back to your work, dear." She finalized before took a paper from her desk and waved it towards Kurenai, shoo-ing the Chuunin away.

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