*1* Our Story Begins *1*

Start from the beginning

The house is small and dusty, but there is a table in the room next to us. On the table is tea, and Gandalf leads me to it, sitting down in one chair, while I sit in the other. I sip the tea in front of me as he starts. "You have no doubt heard of the legend of Erebor, correct?" I nod, a shiver being sent down my spine at the memories of what went down there, so many years ago. "Then you are aware that the Thorin Oakenshield wants to take back the mountain?" I nod again, my eyes looking grim and my smile long deceased.

"Thorin is gathering a group of warriors to join him on his quest, and I have decided that you and Mr. Baggins would be good for the job. Though I cannot promise your safety." I think quietly, not sure whether I will join, but already aware who Mr. Baggins is. "So, if I join, do I have to spend a few months surrounded by men?" I look up at Gandalf with a 'god please no' look on my face. "I'm sure we will run into at least a few women on our travels." He says, I look back down, deciding that I'll go. "I'll come. But, on two conditions." I look back up at him and he smiles a little, motioning for me to continue. "I do not have to answer any of their questions, and I may go off on my own whenever I wish."

Gandalf nods, "Alright Ambrosia. Anything else before you sign the contract?" I nod, thinking about what I want to say. "None of them are to know of my past, or that I was there." Gandalf nods again in understanding. He pulls out a contract and I don't bother reading it. Gandalf would never betray me, and I know that. After all, he was the one to pull me away from the fight for Erebor many years ago. I don't pull out a pen, instead using magic to sign my name in bright green.

"Welcome to the company of Thorin Oakenshield, Ambrosia." He says with a smile.

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?


I walk beside Gandalf's horse as we head to the Shire, home of Bilbo Baggins. One of the most generous and understanding of all the Hobbits. A long time ago, Gandalf had introduced us, and since then we've been great friends. He's one of my only two friends, Gandalf being the other. I'm a bit of a recluse, but then again, I'm usually running from village to village, so I don't have much time to make friends.

It was silent between the two of us, though it wasn't awkward. I kept on adjusting my belt, wanting it to be just tight enough to not bother me, yet stay on perfectly. But, the strap is lose, and I cannot seem to get it right.

After about three hours of walking, we come upon the Shire. I pull my hood up over my head as people around us stare at us strangely. The shadow of my hood covers my green complexion as we walk toward Bilbo Baggins' house. It's homey and large, just large enough, one might think, to house a small party of dwarves. As we walk closer, I fall into my thoughts, tuning out Gandalf and Bilbo's conversation half heartedly. All I heard was something about the saying 'Good Morning.'

I stared off into nowhere, and soon enough, Gandalf was leading me back away from the Shire to wait for some friends.


Later that Night, Gandalf leads me back over to the Shire and leads me into the quaint little town. Seeing a group of dwarves ahead, I place on my hood and black gloves. Gandalf and I step towards them, and we push our way through them, towards the door. Many give me confused glances, and seem quite confused with my being there. But that's alright, that won't be a problem soon enough.
I can already hear Bilbo's loud yells over the commotion inside, and I can't help but roll my eyes. Dwarves seem to be terrible with manners- though they seem to also be bad with their hygiene. No, I'm not Dwarfist, but sometimes they can be quite an unlawful bunch.

Gandalf knocks his staff against the door, and the group of dwarves all lean against the door, arguing over who enters first. The door opens, and the pile of dwarves fall, nearly crushing poor Bilbo.

Strangled Heart (Thorin Oakenshield x Reader) (The Hobbit)Where stories live. Discover now