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Short chapter, but here's somewhat of what it's like for people surrounding Emma.

day twenty three; write a scene involving a park bench.


Everyone whom had an influence by Emma in their life, had instantly became depressed, especially the people closest to the blonde, like Belle. The brunette sat in her room every day, never speaking a word nor taking care of her personal hygiene. She just felt carefree, but not in a positive manner.

Belle finally ran out of the house as her usual self lately, a complete mess.

Derek constantly attempted to make his girlfriend leave the house, but she would sit in her bedroom everyday, weeping.

So when she finally ran out of the house, he froze for a little before chasing after her. Maybe it was shock or even surprise, but if you could ask Derek, he didn't know either.

Belle ran like no tomorrow;
Her vision was blurry, she couldn't possibly view two feet in front of her. She ran just like a track star, swift, fast, and agile. With the brunette being so oddly tall, her long legs gave her an advantaged as she sprinted away from the deep voice that was calling her from behind.

"Belle!" Derek yelled as he tried to catch up to her. "Wait up! Belle!"

His words would only push herself harder.

Somehow, she ended up at the park her and Derek would walk through every so often. Instantly, she noticed the same park bench Derek had told her he was leaving her due to visa complications.

On that exact park bench, she realized she loved him and wanted to follow him.

She hesitantly moved to the bench, carelessly slumping down onto the hard wood.

"Why?" Belle cried as she put her elbows on her knees, and her hands covering her face.

Derek watched his girlfriend cry out her emotions, as he sat next to her while soothing small circles on her back with one hand as he cuddled her with his opposite arm.

He wondered curious to the reason behind his girlfriend only questioned "why." Why what?

Why was Emma missing?

Why hadn't she called Belle to see if the brunette could help the blonde?


But Derek just sat on the bench, quietly, as he had no explanation for any of those questions.

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