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By now in the story, Belle already decided to stop at her old apartment for a few more items she left.

That's why Belle is in New York.

day twenty; write a scene taking place in an alley.


Emma scurried over to Belle's apartment, seeing the brunette's car was parked in her lot number.

The blonde attempted to take her usual path, traveling by the busy roads and past the coffee shop, but this time she had taken a different route due to a massive amount of construction workers slowly fixing the streets.

So instead, Emma took the long and dark alley she hadn't taken before to the back of Belle's apartment complex. When Emma reached the mysterious alley, she watched as stray rats ran across the walking path. She hesitantly took a step forward, checking with her eyes to make sure no one was hidden behind an object, and she went forth.

Once she had reached the end of the alley, she hadn't been led to the apartment complex, but a dead end.

Emma attempted to scream in fear as two large hands grasped her body-one hand grabbed her waist roughly, surely leaving a bruise as the other came close to her moth a nose, which it was filled with a red cloth full of an anesthetic that had made the blonde fall into a deep sleep.

Emma was taken.

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