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I know not everyone has the same beliefs, but this day is implied to be in a church. You may skip this chapter or skip the sermon if you feel the need to do so, but I thought I would give you a pre-warning. If you just skip the sermon, the ellipsis (...), states where the sermon stops. The "dreams " sermon just gives detail to the story, and each chapter will be important later in time.

Thank you.

This is NOT my sermon. I did NOT write this.

The sermon: "What is Your Dream?"
By: Pastor Donny Granberry

Located: www.sermoncentral.com


day four; write a scene in a church.


"Today we have a guest Pastor, all the way from Alma. Please welcome him with blessings this morning." Pastor Brynes stepped off of the alter as the guest Pastor stepped up.

"Good morning, everyone. I am Pastor Kline, and today I will preach about dreams. You may follow along in your Bible's, or you may follow along with the screen above." Pastor Kline pointed at the wall behind him, where a giant projector screen had been placed.

"Over the past 4 ½ years I have preached several messages on the subject of dreams. This morning I would like to address the subject of dreams again with this question,
'What is Your Dream?'
The question this morning is not can you dream, everyone can dream, but do you have the courage to act upon it.

Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. If your dream does not stretch you to the point of discomfort, it is probably not of God.

First, The Process of a Dream.
Process - A series of continuous actions that lead us to a particular result.

We must also remember that dreams are a process. There are no instant Dreams unless you ate spicy food late at night, and then it is not a dream, it is a nightmare.

God will not lift you up out of your dream and set you down in the center of its fulfillment.

Find heads from tails, remember you are in a process. The process can be difficult, the road can be rough, the land can be like a wilderness, but you will never taste of the milk and honey without completing the process.

Second, The Progress of a Dream.

Your dream will never progress unless it is pursued.
Pursue - To seek to attain. To apply ones energy towards as a chief interest. To follow after persistently.

Pursue the dream God has given you no matter how far-fetched it may seem. Your dreams are like your children; they are your offspring.
Your dreams are the joy of your present and the hope of your future.
Protect them, feed them, encourage them to grow, for as long as you have a dream you will never be old.

I can hear the voice of Caleb today, 'So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I'm just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then.
Now give me this hill country that the LORD promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the LORD helping me, I will drive them out just as he said.'

I love the Caleb Spirit. This became possible because of the process.
People and life's struggles attempted to steal his dream.

Israel refusing to go into the Promised Land; Wandering around for 40 years in the wilderness; The murmuring of the people; The peoples attempt to bring in other Gods; Driving the inhabitants out of the Land; His dream included defeating the Anakites. (Giants)

Caleb stayed true to his dream, he stayed focused on his dream, and he pursued after his dream.

Look at the life of Joseph. The betrayal of his family; the attempted seduction by Potiphar's wife; or the false imprisonment.
Joseph's dream carried him all the way to his destiny as the ruler of Egypt.

We are talking about God given dreams that lead to God honoring results, not self ambition.

Third, The Promise of a Dream.
Promise - An assurance given by one person to another to perform a specified act.

Joel 2:28 NIV

And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.

God has a dream for you, and as you seek Him, He will reveal it to you. When He reveals His dream for you, you must remember three things

1. Dreams are specific, not general; personal, not public.
God will not give someone else your dream, He will give it to you.
I have had people come to me and ask me, Pastor, what does God want me to do?

God can confirm it through others, but He will reveal it to you. When He does, be careful of who you share it with.
(Joseph's brothers could not handle his dream, so they tried to abort it.)

2. Dreams are usually outside the realm of the expected.

Often your dream will cause others to say, "You've got to be kidding!" Remember, that is their opinion, not God's.
With God, all things are possible.

3. Dreams can separate you from others.

Dreamers are risk-takers and are always in the minority. Dreams will separate the risk-takers, from the caretakers and the undertakers. Those who walk by sight will always outnumber those who walk by faith.

So the conclusion is;

What do you dream about?
What has God enabled you to see that does not exist yet?
You will never out dream God!

Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

Catch that Caleb spirit, give me that mountain."


"Wow, that sermon was definitely something else!" Emma turned her head to face the brunette she invited to church that morning.

It had been a few days since their job interviews, which they both received the positions they applied for; and Emma thought it would be a fantastic idea to bring her new co-worker and friend from the office.

"So we should basically follow our dreams, no matter how idiotic someone else says they are? Or how many obstacles are thrown into our paths?" Belle questioned the blonde that had taken her to church. Emma was surprised a little by how forward Belle had asked multiple questions.

"I think you got more out of the sermon than myself. But yes, follow your dreams!"

"Thanks for inviting me. I've never been to church before, I wish I would've came when I was a little girl," Belle replied sadly.

"Where did you grow up?"

"On a farm," Belle whispered embarrassingly.

"Show me sometime!" Emma said cheerfully. "It's not like I'm going to judge you, I grew up in a small apartment with a single mother, which she raised two kids! There's nothing to be ashamed of!"

"Alright. We still own the farm, you could come see it if you'd like later this week," Belle quietly spoke.

"Sounds like a plan!" Emma was very eager to see where Belle had grown up! She had admired her instantly ever since she had noticed her in the coffee shop.

Emma instantly had a slight grin on her face.

When she finally understands the life the admirable Brunette had came from, a few of Emma's curious thoughts and questions will finally be answered.

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