Chapter 2

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There were... creatures, in the clearing just before Blinky. They were huge and scaly, rippling with muscle over their winged bodies. These looked just like dragons, but it couldn't be, there weren't really such creatures-right? Apparently not. Humans were also there, and Blinky tensed when he saw saddles glistening in the early sun and the small campfire. It looked almost like they rode these creatures, as humans also rode horses...

The strangeness of the scene began to unnerve Blinky, and he backed away deeper into the trees, with a plan in mind to tell the others what he'd seen and work from there. It was quite a sensible plan; too bad sensible plans almost never work out. As Blinky was sneaking away from the fire-lit scene, one of his stone feet landed upon a stick, which snapped- loudly. Frozen with horror, Blinky watched as the strange group turned towards the sound, seeing the exposed troll where he stood terrified among the trees.

One dragon, a jet black, streamlined creature, growled, eyes narrowing into suspicious slits. He leaped just as the human nearest to him shouted, "Toothless, no!" Then Blinky was off, dashing through the trees as fast as he could. It wasn't fast enough, and the black dragon tackled him to the ground. Blinky managed to twist out from under the beast and run again, only to be backed up against a cliff. Two more dragons joined the first, growling and staring at him with strange eyes, blocking any means of escape. Blinky stood trapped, trembling, as the strange humans got ever nearer.

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