Chapter Two (part 1)

Start from the beginning

He shook his head and waved her off. "Nah, I'm good. Hurry back, okay?"

"I'll see what I can do."

Giggling, she made her way across the cafeteria, trying to block out the glares she was getting by jealous girls around her. It was life threatening how hard she was holding back her laughter, but a triumphant grin spread across her face- she couldn't help it. Nick was sort of like her drug, numbing all the pain away, almost making it disappear.

"What the hell was going on?" the hoarse voice she heard stopped her dead in her track. She froze at how pained it sounded. Daniel was hurting.

She turned around on her heels and saw Arianne's confused face and Gabbe's worried eyes. Roland seemed just as perplexed. Then there was her love, who had his head buried into his hands. Before she knew it, she found herself heading towards them, her heart threatening to pulverise as it thundered against her torso.

"Hey, you okay?" she blurted out and all four heads snapped towards her. All wearing the similar expressions; shocked. And amused.

Slowly, he looked up from where he was and his gaze met hers. He was hurting, there was no doubt and it was all her fault. She resisted the urge to throw her arms around him and feel the touch of his lips on hers. Guilt washed over her and her chest tightened, making it harder for her to breathe. After a second of hesitation, she shook off the guilt and decided to make it up to him for what she had caused. She took his pain away and as it hit her, she tried not to wince. That pain he felt, was much, much worse than she expected. She felt as if she just took in a hard blow to her guts, sawed in half, being shredded from tissue to tissue all at once. It knocked the winds out of her.

She saw shock then confusion in his eyes and he let out a breath. She studied him for half of a millisecond; she took in the very sight of Daniel Grigori and for once, she saw how much of a wreck he truly was. His shaggy golden hair was all over the place, most covering his violet eyes. He was just a tad taller than Nick was and much, much leaner. While Nick was almost bulky, Daniel had a tall leaning figure but she knew, he was as hard as stone. She saw his jaw clenched then relaxed. She tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear, suddenly feeling nervous as hell. What if he found her out? What if he only wanted to wallow in that pain and bitterness she stole from him? NO. No, she wouldn't let him. After all the chaos she had unfolded, it was the least she could do for him.

"I'm sorry for butting in," she heard the words came out in a rush out of her traitor of a mouth. Actually, she was sorry for even existing. Sorry for how much of a burden she was to him and most of all, for causing him to fall.

"No-no! I-It's fine." He almost cried out the words. He paused then took a breath.

Worry took the best of her. "Yeah, that's right just breathe. Inhale, exhale... you feeling okay now, tall guy?" she asked, grinning as she took a step towards him.

His posture stiffened and he got up, with his back facing her, he said, "Never better." nonchalantly and with a quiet 'excuse me', he strode away. As the farther he went, the more his pain began to fade from her. For once since a long long time, she was worried of the pain she was causing him.

Isabella's heart fell to her stomach, as disgusting as it sounded, she still felt horrible anyway. Maybe it really was best if the both of them stayed away from each other. Then again, what if history repeated itself? Part of her past stayed as they were; in the past, but some insisted to move along to the present. Like Daniel and his friends. And the shadows.

"Idiot," she heard Gabbe mutter under her breath and Isabella smiled a sad smile as she turned to face the other three.

Gabbe's gaze softened as she took Isabella's hands into hers. "Aw, don't mind him, hon! He's just down in the dumps for now."

Isabella was taken aback for a moment at Gabbe's sudden move then pulled her hands away gently. "I wonder why..."

"Well, let's just say his crush rejected him." Arianne said causally and Gabbe nudged her in the ribs.

Isabella raised a brow. "Crush?"

"She's joking." Roland said with a smirk but Arianne scoffed loudly as she glared at Isabella. "Really, man. Are you that bli-"

Gabbe wailed, panicked, and then jumped in front of Arianne, blocking Isabella's view of the suddenly hostile girl. She felt herself frown.

"Blind?"She asked and Gabbe shook her head fervently.

"Forgive us, Arianne has been in a grouchy mood lately. You see, she really isn't much of a morning person and I happened to be the lucky person to wake her up just now." Gabbe said and Roland stood up to stand beside her, nodding along.

"Apparently, a bull horn wasn't enough." He grinned and Gabbe let out a nervous laugh, Isabella raised a brow at them when Roland shrugged. "But a bucket of ice cold water seemed to do the job."

Isabella laughed quietly at the coincidence. "No worries, Arianne. I totally get you. The one thing I ask in this hell of a life is to never be woken up in the morning. Sundays in particular. But I suppose it's just too much to ask."

She was pleased when she saw the corner of Arianne chapped lips twitched a little, trying to suppress a smile. She chuckled, her posture relaxing as she shoved her two friends out of the way. "You don't seem half bad, Hale." She said observantly. "Hell of a life, huh?"

Isabella felt triumphant for a second. It wasn't easy winning Arianne over. She shrugged.

"Nick did the same thing to me this morning." She said bitterly then added, "Only it was two buckets of god damn ice cold water."

Arianne laughed and soon enough her two friend joined in.

"Well, I gotta go now. Lunch is almost up." She smiled and with a wave, she was off towards her one and only walking talking pain killer. As selfish as she was...


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