Sousuke likes parties even though he doesn’t speak that much, but I didn’t know he would ever come to a club. He seems so out of place, but he had a heartache so maybe this was just the right place to be. Damn. He hasn’t even said anything about that girl. Should I ask? Or just distract him so he can get his mind off of her? I suck at all this love stuff, I don’t even know how I have a boyfriend.

As I was walking back to the bar, I saw those two huge men gulping two small shots each. Shit, should I call for back up this early? Note to self: do not leave them alone in a bar.

-Guys, you need to stop- I said motioning the barman to take all the glasses away from us.- No more drinking.

-Why not?- said Rin hiccuping.

-I won’t be able to get you both back home alone. I’m small compared to you two.

-Then, let’s not get home- said Sou.

-Don’t think about it sweetheart, let’s just have fun- said Rin sneaking an arm to hold my waist.

-Let’s dance then- Sousuke asked with his eyes half open.

That didn’t sound so bad, at least they would stop drinking- I grabbed their hands and lead them to the dance floor, but as soon as they step on it they became stiff. I mean I now they don’t really like to dance, but they were tipsy enough to not care.

-Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea- Sou said rubbing his neck.

-It’s a good idea, just move guys, like this- I said showing them.

A few seconds later, they were letting their bodies relax again, while I felt that single shot kicking in my body.

The bar was playing the latest kpop music, which was full of energy just as the people dancing. But the bliss didn’t last very long… Rin got pale and Sou rushed with him to the bathroom. I saw them knocking everyone down, a few curse words were thrown their way but everyone kept on drinking and dancing two seconds later. I followed behind them, trying to get everyone out of my way smoothly. I got to the men’s toilet and waited outside, amazed by the longer line at the women’s toilet. After about 5 minutes, they got out. Rin was hugging Sou’s neck loosely.

-Is he okay?

-Yeah, he threw up, so no more kissing.

I rolled my eyes but still flashed a smile.

-How much did he drink?

-You won’t like the answer.

I sighed.

-Let’s just get to the bar again- I said.

-Why don’t we leave already?


-He’s passed out, or he’s about to.

-But you wanted to…

-I already had fun with you two, it’s fine. But next time, don’t bring him, he’s not as tough as you are.

I chuckled and got Rin’s other arm over my shoulder. I paid the bill with Sousuke’s money and got the heck out of there, chills running through my spine while we walked to the entrance.

It was windy when we stepped out of the bar, Sou gave me his scarf, while he tried to hail a cab. A few of them stopped but as soon as they saw Rin, they sped up.

-It’s better if we just walk to the subway Sou.

-Yeah, you’re right. No one's gonna take us with Rin in this state.

Black and White (Rin Matsuoka x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now