Part 5

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She could hear subdued voice calling her, she ain't able to open her eyes.
Where is she now?
Hell or heaven, she wondered.
She can't end up in hell, for she surely knows her so called dad would appear sooner or later  that's his place.
But She couldn't feel any hellish or heavenly sensation.

"Amoura  Mi Amor.."
That startled her internally.
No way!
She is sure she is in hell , but how come he got here before her?
She just want to disappear.

After a lot struggles she managed to open her eyes, she could see things with blurrier vision, her head throbed, her lifeless hand automatically switched to her head.
Someone stroked her head warmly, she knows this touch, disgust!

She opened her eyes widely.
The slightest hope she had faded immediately.
She is in a hospital bed, she grasped out her situation from her surrounding easily.
Hell or even , she cared less. Atleast this ain't the place she want to be.
Sigh, long way to go.
she heard a feeble sob.
Her Mom, she is happy to see her Mom, but the devil beside her smiled which made her go again in agony.
Smile?, No the evil smirk.
Doesn't she have the right to die too?
She pitied her soul.

"Amoura.. we are so happy to get you back honey, you recovered after all these weeks, let's go home sweet heart, home is calling.."
That dusty voice of  the loathsome one made her cringe.

She felt like the world is mocking at her, the air , the dust, the unseen spirits , everything.
She surely is alive , but dead inside.
She is again going to have those deadly life.

A lone tear escaped it's way out , she knew her fate!
She cursed her fate!
Endure Endure more, devils chanted scrawling above her head.

"Amoura... Mi Amor"
She vaguely looked over him, sudden dizziness overtook her!
She know she'll rise up and will fall again  to that dark frightening hole.

The End.

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