Part 3

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She never got the affection of a dad, as didn't had one. In hands of angels, her Mom used say.
She even envied angels for having her dad with them.
She envied her friends for having a dad to hang around with, or even for a namesake.

She was all herself, with a hardworking mom.
She loved her dearly, loves her.
She knew her mom,trying hard to fill her dad's place, though she longed one.

She was overjoyed when her Mom announced her of bringing her a new dad.
The fourteen year old bounced up and down with joy.
Her happiness had no bound.
She dreamed father daughter duo the most, the little heart felt pity for her Mom, thus she dreamed her mother being with them too, perfect trio.

She liked him at first glance itself, that innocent soul was never awared of the coming disaster.
After Alex, she is getting a man, in name of dad.
Her heart become proud,she is no less than her friends.
But that short lived!

As days passed she felt bothersome with his touch, her so proud loving dad's touch. That was not so right, the sinless Heart knew!
She become alerted, but what could a fragile thing could do?

He came for her every night, calling her, with so much lust filled eyes.
"Amoura.. Mi Amor..."
She cried all nights during his harsh torture, she was so afraid.
She thought this could be her death one day, but never that happened.
Is she alive for this to suffer?
She wept slowly.

That brutal man threatened her with mother's life, if she reveal his inhuman face to world.
She left with no choice, endure!
That's what she did, doing and may be will do.
She ain't capable of fight the demon alone, nor she can get any help.

She distanced herself from  everyone around.
Everyone has his face, his lusful eyes, even his voice, she loathed every men.
Every single of them.
A deep vulnerable sigh!

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