Prologue: Some things are never truly lost...

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          The ship was dark when the shadowy figure first boarded, as it always was. He remembered the first time, he had found the elusive Wraith Cruiser. It had taken him the better part of several lifetimes to locate it. Then trying to board the vessel proved equally difficult. The Cruiser never stay in normal space for more than a few minutes, it was impossible to board during that time.

The figure had devised a way to match the ships, course and speed, while in hyperspace. The risk was always great, one improper calculation could not only kill him but damage the ship beyond repair. The difficultly never stopped him from boarding the vessel.

Once on bored, there was no active life support. Light's did not respond as they should. This vessel had one function and it was not to sustain a crew. The figure placed a breather in his nose. That allowed for travel about the Cruiser safely, then he started down the cold dark hall's. The first time he came here, the ship was still in good condition. However now, after so many lifetime's, even the inner hull deteriorated.

Wraith Cruisers where not designed to constantly make jumps into hyperspace. Nor where they designed to function without long term maintenance. The figure roamed through the hall's until he reached command. It was bitter cold and hardly lite; the only functioning console was navigation. He checked the ships log's, then smacked the console with his fist. 'The ship will not survive many more jumps. The Architect's plan has come to an end. Perhaps he thought, they would die peacefully with the ship, when it came time. Not if I have anything to say about it.'

The figure pushed his hands into the liquid control's. 'A-r-g-g-g' he hissed irritated. The ship was difficult to connect with, most of its system's where offline or damaged. After several hours of failing to shut down the navigation system, the figure nearly ripped the console out of the wall. He was furious, outsmarted by the Architect again. When he slumped against the wall frustrated, the thought hit him. 'Perhaps I can change its destination.'

The figure remembered an opportunity he had to speak with the Elder recently. The Elder was a strange Wraith, but he hinted at several possibilities that did not exist, when this Cruiser fist took flight. The strange old Wraith had even given him the location of a hidden base, that might be able to aid his situation. The shadowy figure grinned pleased, when the system accepted the new coordinate's.

The ship groaned when it dropped out of hyperspace, almost as if it complained about the new destination. 'It would take several minutes to charge the hyperdrive, I must hurry.' The figure had moved to an axillary hibernation chamber, off the Queen's throne room.

"No time to leave a message." The figure muttered as he laid a small silver chain on the consol. There was one active chamber in the room, all the rest where empty. The image hidden behind the active crystalline wall was hardly visible, but he knew it contained precious cargo.

The ship started to tremble, "It is time to wake up." The figure whispered as he touched the frozen wall. He stayed for only a moment, 'The ship's engines would engage soon. It would be less problematic to leave before, that happened.'

Moments after his Dart escaped the docking bay, the Cruiser opened a hyperspace window. The figure swung his craft around to watch, as it vanished from his view. He debated following the Cruiser, the uncertainty, that came with this course of action, was difficult to accept.

The figure took several more moments before he leaned forward to take the control's in his hands. As he did, a hyperspace window opened, just off his port bow. He narrowly missed colliding with the Hive that emerged from the newly formed window.

Before he could send a signal complaining about the location of the larger ship's incoming port, he received docking instruction's. The Hive wanted him to come aboard.

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