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"Alright, we'll see you there." The male said into the phone, hanging up as he put on his leather jacket because of the cold weather of the nighttime. He grabbed his bag full of different kinds of snacks, comic books, and other things for entertainment. Putting on his shoes meanwhile.

"Hoseok isn't going to be there right?" Yoongi asked as they walked out of his studio. They had been working on a song together for their rapping and just finished. Deciding that meeting Jin at this time was the best.

"Don't worry it's just you me and Jin." Namjoon lied. Originally this was just supposed to be a date for Namjoon and his boyfriend but they both decided that inviting the other two in secret might work in bringing them back together. And even though they won't get any alone time they figured that their friends getting back together was the top priority.


"At least talk to each other." Jin said to the two other males. They were seated on the grass on complete opposite sides and wouldn't even look at each other. Namjoon sighed, knowing this would happen. But he soon came up with an idea. Although it was mean he was tired of the ex's petty ways towards each other.

"If you don't talk we'll ditch you here and you'll walk back to the dorms." The blonde threatened as he continued reading his comic book. Uninterested in having to deal with the annoying situation as he just wanted to enjoy the picnic. Both Yoongi and Hoseok gasped at this and gave Namjoon a glare. But taking in the threat they finally started speaking, not wanting to walk back to the dorms.

"I'm sorry, breaking up with you because you were trying to protect me was stupid. I just got angry." The mint haired boy said as he looked to Hoseok. Both of them in pain by just looking at each other.

"I'm sorry too. I wanted to protect you but I just ended up getting into more trouble." The younger said looking down to his lap. Holding back tears, because even looking at Yoongi made him recall how much he missed him because of their recent breakup.

A minute of long awkward silence went on, mostly because neither of the males wanted to admit that they wanted to get back together, either because of the sadness or guilt engulfing them. That is until Namjoon and Jin said the exact same thing at the exact same time.

"He cried without you." The couple said, Namjoon's eyes still on his comic book and Jin's eyes on his snacks. They both held in a laugh as they noticed they had said the same thing, their thoughts were alike. Both Hoseok and Yoongi groaned at the embarrassing words.

"I love you. And I miss you a lot. And it's fine if you don't want to get back together because of me having to date someone else and everything but.." Hoseok admitted while he let his tears slip, but was cut off by Yoongi kissing him deeply.

"I missed you too, and I should be the one apologizing. And of fucking course I want to get back together. You'll always be mine." Yoongi said with a gummy smile as he looked at a content Hoseok. While Namjoon and Jin could only groan at the cheesy scene.

"Please take it over there. Here, take some snacks and books and go on that side of the park where we can't see you." Jin said throwing some items at the couple while pointing to the other side of the dark park they were at.

"Hey, you wanted us to get back together." The paler man said as he grabbed Hoseok's hand and the items, walking to the other side of the park with complete happiness. Hoseok feeling the exact same way.

Once they were gone Jin and Namjoon enjoyed the comfortable silence, the blonde read his comic book and the brunette continued eating his food. They were a very chill couple and rather have silence than romance. That's just how they both were. And they loved being comfortable, not having to worry who would make the first move or talk first. A mature but wild couple.

"I need to go on a diet." Jin groaned as he had just finished his packet of chips. Feeling gross and heavy after.

"No you don't." Namjoon said as he flipped a page of his book and continued reading it. His full attention was on the book but he also wasn't going to let his boyfriend think something that wasn't true.

"How do you know?" The older asked in a curious tone as he grabbed one of the comic books that looked interesting. He had always loved reading and most of the time he never had time anymore so he was glad Namjoon had brought some books.

"Because I've seen you completely naked and nothing about you is unattractive babe." The taller said as he scanned over the next pages of the comic book. While Jin blushed madly at the words and covered his face with his hands, Namjoon didn't even realize how cute but dirty that sounded, until he saw Jin's shy reaction.

Which he only smirked at.

"Why do you have so many comic books anyway?" Jin said turning to the other male in curiosity after his embarassment had gone down.

"I like cute and entertaining things." Namjoon said as he grabbed one of the bags of chips and set his book down, placing his book mark in between the pages. Before the blonde could say anything else Jin gasped dramatically as he had just found out something.

"The bad boy is actually a huge dork," The brunette said as he recalled Namjoon's huge Ryan collection behind the closet when they shared a dorm. The boy that intimidated almost everyone on campus actually collected stuffed animals and comic books. It was too cute.

"Yeah and you love it." Namjoon said putting his book down and pulling the brunette into his lap. Jin winced at the action as he was still a bit sore down in his lower region even though it had already been few weeks since they had done it.

"What's wrong baby?" Namjoon asked in a worried tone as he saw the pained expression on his boyfriends face. He cupped his side's gently and waited patiently for an answer.

"I'm still kind of sore from when we you know." Jin said as he grabbed onto the blondes arms around him and gave him a reassuring smile that he was okay. Namjoon only gave him a smirk but was still a bit concerned for Jin's well being.

"You're still sore? I was very rough. And it was your first time. I'm sorry." The blonde said as he hugged Jin's back bringing him closer. His tone was apologetic and his face could clearly be seen as upset. While Jin only giggled at the cute apology.

"It's fine, I was drunk so all I remember was the pain and the pleasure." Jin said shyly as he turned around and wrapped his legs around Namjoon's waist. Resting his head in the crook of his boyfriends neck.

"Should I refresh your memory?" The younger asked as he held tightly onto Jin's waist in a needy way.

"Not while I'm sore you idiot. And this is our first date, we can't just have sex." The older said as he gave Namjoon an eyeroll. A blush going across his cheeks. Even though he said that Jin had too admit he wouldn't mind if it happened again.

"We had sex when we weren't even dating. And plus it looks like Yoongi and Hoseok are already doing it." Namjoon said as he looked over to the two males that were making out on the other side of the park, completely disregarding the snacks and books the males had gave them. Jin could only gag while Namjoon chuckled.

"Ugh. Let's take those children home. They can't have sex on the grass." The brunette said as he stood up and started packing up the things. Namjoon helping.

They walked over to the two males and practically had to pull them off of each other and take them back to the dorms. At least they were back together.

I updated in class.

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