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"Don't you think that's enough?" Hoseok whined to the brunette as they were still in Sephora after what felt like two hours. The two males were already carrying various bags from different stores and now Jin just couldn't stop looking and buying makeup. He didn't use that much makeup, and he always went for a more natural look so the younger questioned why he was getting so many products.

"When I said, 'Let's go shopping.' I thought you would be prepared." Jin said as he looked through different makeup pallets. They hadn't had classes that day and the older had felt like going on a shopping spree which is what he was doing.

"This is really expensive though Jin." Hoseok commented as he looked at the various makeup products in his best friends hands. They had already spent so much on clothes and now makeup. The younger worried that the older would run out of money one day. Which seemed impossible.

"Don't worry. My mom will always refill the money I spend." Jin said as he placed the products in the shopping basket he was carrying, which was hard to do with the other bags. It was very weird to say the word 'Mom' after so long. And memories started rushing back too, the ones that he didn't want to remember.

"Is that her way of trying to get your forgiveness? After what she did?" Hoseok said in disbelief and anger. How could she think money was a way of apologizing.

"I've already forgiven her." Jin said as he went to another section. It was true, he had already forgiven his mother for what she did. Even if it was irresponsible and cold it was understandable. And it had already been years he couldn't stay mad forever.

"But she left you stranded with your abusive father to follow out a dream, and now she's famous and the only way she apologizes to you is with money!" Hoseok snapped. He thought it was too unfair. Jin had to deal with an abusive father day and night for years, while his mother ran away and became a famous celebrity even hiding the fact that she had a son.

"Hoseok." Jin sighed as he turned around to face the angry boy that was about to release tears. He always became emotional when remembering those times. Remembering how Jin would always come to school with bruises. But he sucked it up and held his tears. And Jin explained once again.

"What could she do? She had to deal with him day and night while working to get me food. She couldn't do it anymore so I don't blame her for leaving. I'm happy that she's living her dream now, she deserves it. Even if I had to deal with that asshole for eighteen years." Jin said as he turned back to the makeup signaling that he was done talking about his mother.

Hoseok sighed, knowing he shouldn't have said that since the brunette hates speaking about his mother. He quickly changed the subject.

"So, why the makeup?" Hoseok asked as he quickly picked up one of the lip glosses. He wasn't really into makeup and he knew that Jin wasn't either. So all the products he was getting didn't fit his natural beauty vibe.

"Well I want Namjoon, so I thought maybe I should change up my look." Jin pouted. This was the only thing he had came up with to win over Namjoon. Of course he would rather just stick to his simple makeup but maybe the blonde would like this.

Hoseok immediately made Jin put away the shopping basket full of things  and gave him a disappointed look.

"No! You can't change yourself just for a guy. He's not gonna date you just for your appearance if he dropped the L bomb." Hoseok said as he lead Jin out of the makeup store.

"Well what did you do to make Yoongi love you?" Jin asked as they walked out of the store and towards the food court. Hoseok wondered, even if they were dating Yoongi never said 'I love you'. So he was unsure if Yoongi did love him or not, but he knew it was still too early in their relationship.

"Well, I was myself of course. And Namjoon already loves you, you just have to convince him that dating you is one of the best things that can happen." Hoseok said as they rode down the escalator. He was starving and tired of shopping. So he decided that they should take a break and eat, Jin didn't complain.

"So basically show him that I'm boyfriend material? How do I do that?" Jin sighed. This was his first time having a crush and he had no idea what to do about it. Boys had never been his priorities so how could he get one to be his boyfriend?

"Be romantic, be nice, and be affectionate. Just show him you'll treat him right if he dates you. And don't be afraid to be a hoe." Hoseok whispered the last part as he walked over to McDonalds, and Jin could only laugh at his friends advice.

But he sighed once again as the younger ordered their food. He just wanted Namjoon to himself. But it required a lot more thinking and work than he thought. Even if they shared a dorm it was so hard to even get close to him.

If I was the snow in the air would I be able to get to you faster, Jin thought as they waited for their food to be prepared. But he couldn't even think about eating. All he could think about was Namjoon.

I fucking love you guys so much.

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