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It had been a few weeks since Namjoon and Jin's fake relationship lasted.

No one has said anything to them. But that didn't mean all the curiosity was gone. Namjoon and Jin did put on a show though. They acted quite affectionate with each other in front of others but people still weren't convinced. It seemed they could read right through the act.

Namjoon still remained the smartest in class and Jin still remained himself. He wasn't harassed as much anymore which was good but rumors of it being fake started spreading, and fast.

It was Tuesday today and Jin was walking to his classes for the day. He had heard some of the rumors of him and Namjoon, from Hoseok and Jimin. He knew they would have to toughen their act even if he didn't really want to. The thing is he didn't really know how. They'd kiss in front of people, hold hands, and everything. How was that not enough?

While lost in thought Jin felt a hand grope his ass. He yelped loudly and immediately backed away. His cheeks flushed at the contact and he felt his body freeze up a bit in terror.

He turned around to see one of his regular harassers with a smug grin on his face. Jin boiled in anger and gave the boy a strong glare, before he could say something or do something his arms were grabbed and pinned down. Making him gasp.

The guy only chuckled at the reaction and Jin was disgusted. How could someone do this and feel good about it? He struggled to be released and felt powerless all over again.

"Let go!" Jin yelled out as he struggled to be released. He knew the guy wouldn't budge no matter how much he begged to be released.

In fact the guy only came closer and Jin soon became even more frightened. His heart was racing and his mind went to the worst scenarios. Before anything else could happen though Namjoon came out of nowhere and grabbed the guy, slamming him to the ground roughly. Jin's eyes widened as he watched the scene unfold.

"Don't fucking touch what's mine again or else I'll break every bone in your body." Namjoon growled. His voice was deadly and he looked like he was close to murdering the guy with just his eyes.

Jin's heartbeat raced and his face heated up. Namjoon sure had a weird affect on him. The way he acted, the way he spoke, the way he did anything. It all had a weird affect on Jin. Thats what scared the male the most. He snapped out of his thoughts and knew he should focus on the problem at hand. Not his dumb feelings,

"This is just a warning." Namjoon said as he landed a hard blow on the guys stomach. The harasser only yelped in pain at the contact. They had now caught people's attention and Jin knew this would be the new campus gossip.

"Got it?" Namjoon asked, his tone sickeningly dark. He was mad, like really mad. It scared the other male but also made him feel somewhat protected.

The guy nodded his head vigorously, and Namjoon soon got up with a huff.

He brushed the dirt off of his clothes and grabbed Jin's hand. Everyone was still watching and Namjoon shot them a glare. He then placed a gentle kiss on the brunettes hand making Jin turn a bright red. The younger chuckled and dragged Jin by the hand to his class. The older was grateful towards him and his heart raced faster because his hand was now intertwined with Namjoon's rough one.

After that the day went on pretty normal. No one bothered him in any of his classes the whole day. Who would dare to after Kim Namjoon pinned a guy down for even touching Jin.


After class was over to relax a bit he hanged out with Hoseok and Jimin in the library. They all had some studying to do. Plus the two balls of energy were always able to make Jin's day a little better. He listened to them speak while he sipped on his coke that he had gotten from the nearby vending machine.

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