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Warning: this contains smut, this is why I'm going straight to hell.

Namjoon stared down at a drunk half naked Jin. Just like in the past the rapper had planted multiple hickeys on the boys neck. Loving each bite and kiss he placed on the brunettes pale skin. He couldn't control his actions. Seeing Jin whimpering and whining for him had made him snap. Not completely but just enough for him to get turned on.

So for the last thirty minutes he had been touching and leaving love bites all over the older. Not really taking it any farther than that. It's not that he didn't want to he just didn't want to take advantage of drunk Jin unless he asked for it. He already knew doing this was wrong. But he didn't know why he couldn't stop. The male was just too addicting.

Jin finally got impatient with the blondes actions and clumsily slipped off his shirt, also starting to take off his jeans when Namjoon stopped him. He didn't want Jin's drunk side to influence him into wasting his first time on a guy like Kim Namjoon.

"No. You're drunk this is all we can do." The younger said in a calming tone to try and get Jin to stop what he was doing. Hoping it would work because going farther than this just equaled bad news.

"I want you badly. Please I already told you I'm fine with this. I need you." Jin said. He was practically whining for the male and Namjoon was shocked at this. He had never seen such a needy boy in his life, Jin had sobered up a bit but was still somewhat in his drunken state, so he wasn't sure if the male was just on the influence of alcohol.

The two males looked each other dead in the eye with silence engulfing the dorm room.

And Namjoon sighed, because he couldn't say no to Jin. No matter how much he urged himself to. So he willingly took of his own shirt and slid the brunettes jeans off exposing his boxers and smooth thighs. Namjoon couldn't help but run his hands all over Jin's legs, loving every nook and cranny.

Namjoon then kissed all over the boys half naked body, Jin letting out small moans and whimpers in the process. Thinking of going even further Namjoon tugged at the older's boxers looking for approval. He looked up to meet Jin's eyes, who nodded his head shyly. The younger slowly slid off Jin's boxers and immediately gulped at the sight, the boy was already hard and leaking.

He was squirming and whining, and Namjoon couldn't help but absolutely love the sight, hating himself for doing this. And also cherishing the moment because in the morning he was sure it would all be a fucking disaster. Then a thought hit the blonde, making him sigh loudly.

They didn't have lube or a condom, the necessities to sex. And Namjoon wasn't one to store those kinds of things because he never thought he would be doing this, and he knew Jin didn't either.

"We don't have any protection, maybe we should just-" Namjoon said hovering over a a very hot naked Jin while looking around to see if he could find something to help the situation.

He couldn't just go in dry that'll definitely hurt, and since it's Jin's first time it'll be unbearable pain.

After seeing Namjoon's troubled gaze, without a word Jin grabbed Namjoon's hand and sucked on one of his fingers, even though he was a blushing mess for being naked in front of his crush he was becoming needy for Namjoon. A drunk kind of needy to release the pain in his member.

Namjoon only gulped at the sight and had to stop himself from ramming Jin right then and there, instead he put his focus on the task at hand. To prep Jin thoroughly. Because the two males were both starting to get impatient. Especially Jin, he just wanted to be fucked and now.

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