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The four males then went there separate ways. Going back to their dorms as it was already way past lights out. The oldest out of all of them made sure to clean all their bruises and cuts first. Once the two got back Jin dove into his bed and fell asleep instantly. While Namjoon finished up some stuff before even looking at his bed.

Once the blonde was done with some quick recording, he looked over to his hyung that was already fast asleep. He admired the boys cute relaxed face. His clean skin, lips, eyes, everything was good looking about Jin. And Namjoon noticed it every single time. He even winced at it. Why did he have to make someone so beautiful, so friendly, so perfect, hate him. How did someone like that even fall for him in the first place?

But he knew this was how it was supposed to be. So he quickly stopped himself from looking at Jin any longer. Letting out a groan in annoyance. He switched off the light and went to his bed. The blonde quickly covered himself with his blankets and got comfortable. Both males were now deep in sleep. For they both had had a very long day.

Hours later and it was already time to get up, because of how late they had arrived to the dorms.

Jin's sweet sugary coffee was all it took for him to wake up in the morning for another day of class. While Namjoon only needed a simple energy drink. Namjoon always looked somewhat effortlessly hot once he woke up only needing to fix little things. While Jin needed at least two hours to fix himself up. The male always thought he looked better after some touch ups even if he was a natural beauty.

Once they were both done the blonde in his leather jacket and denim ripped jeans, while the brunette in his white shirt and baby blue sweater with light jeans. They looked at each other for a second and noticed one thing.

"We look like a couple." The two boys said at the same time. Both of them looking at each other while saying this. They were a bit shocked to say the exact same thing at the exact same time but not very surprised, since that happened a lot with their group.

"I'm not changing." Namjoon said with a yawn. Putting on his shoes and gathering his black backpack from the ground, shuffling through his papers.

"Well, me either." Jin said as he was busy looking in the mirror fixing his hair one more time before approaching the dorm door. Crossing his arms once he faced Namjoon.

"Let's go then." The taller male said opening the door for Jin. They both got out of the dorm as the youngest of the two locked their dorm door and they made their way to their classes. Embarrassed by their somewhat couple looking outfit.

The two had grown used to each other, and they had feelings for each other. Feelings that they unfortunately chose to ignore.


Jin sat through the lecture scrolling on his phone. Only taking notes when he needed to. He was smart so he wasn't too worried about missing some things. And he was still a bit shaken at what had happened yesterday, so he kept his guard up during every class he had.

Once it was break time he looked around for his friends hoping to have lunch with them.

The brunette spotted a table containing Yoongi and Hoseok tangled together with jealous girls watching them like hawks. He quickly approached the table and sat down across from them. Giving them a gagging face from their very romantic touches.

"Ew couples." Jin said taking out his chips from his backpack. Opening them and starting to munch on them.

"Oh shut up." Yoongi said while chuckling lightly. The two were cuddled up together sharing small pecks here and there and overall being super gay together. The usual.

"What about you and Namjoon?" The mint haired said making Hoseok give him a glare. Yoongi didn't know about Namjoon rejecting Jin. And to never bring it up because it always seemed to make the older quiet.

"I did like him, but he rejected me." The brunette said between bites of his chips. The pale boy gave a shocked expression and then let out a long sigh. Jin and Hoseok questioned this reaction.

"He's like this. Namjoon swore he would never fall in love again so he pushes the people that love him away. Makes them hate him." Yoongi said remembering all the past times this had happened before,

The older male was completely confused at first. But then everything clicked. This whole time Namjoon had done mean things over and over again just to Seokjin, did that mean he was trying to get him to hate him? And did it work? And why did Kim Namjoon not want to fall in love again?

"Why?" Jin said completely disregarding his chips while he gave Yoongi the most serious expression.

The mint haired boy contemplated on wether or not he should tell them because of how personal it was, but he knew it was the right thing to do.

"Back in high school, he dated this girl. I introduced them and they immediately clicked. They seemed perfect together. They were together for years and were inseparable. But one night after a party they were both drunk, and got in a bad fight. And she drove home not wanting to deal with him. She got in a car accident that night, died at the impact. And it broke him. He didn't eat for a month and barely got any sleep. It took him years to recover. And I guess Namjoon has blamed himself ever since. So he's afraid that if he loves someone again they'll get hurt." Yoongi said pausing between his words every now and then.

This had happened years ago but he still remembers how bad Namjoon was. How much he begged him to eat, and how hard it was to even get him out of the house. He's glad it's over now. But he wishes someone could cure his best friend, and for good.

Jin and Hoseok went speechless. The brunette just sat there completely baffled. All this time he had thought that Kim Namjoon was a jerk. A jerk for rejecting him in a mean way. A jerk for flirting with him even after all he said, but he did all that just to get him to hate him? Because he was afraid he would get hurt for loving him.

"Oh, so that's why." Jin said as he felt a lump in his throat, he felt guilty and sad mixed into one, he misunderstood his crush so easily. He had been through so much in the past and the older male had no idea.

Noticing Jin's sad expression and tone Yoongi quickly remembered what he had wanted to tell his hyung, that would be just the trick to brighten his mood.

"Enough with the depressing stuff, if was in the past. I was wondering if you wanted to come to this party me and Hoseok are going to. It'll be fun. And Namjoon's going too." Yoongi said giving the sad red head next to him a peck on his cheek. Trying to lighten the depressing mood.

The male thought about it. He didn't really like parties, he did in high school but now they just seemed boring. But he could use one right now. A way to distract himself from all his thoughts and stress.

"Alright, text me the information later. I gotta get going. See you later." Jin said as he gathered his backpack and walked away to go his next class.

Getting over Kim Namjoon was going to be harder than he thought.

The only reason I update frequently is because I have no life.

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