Chapter 4

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Haruki's POV

The next morning came and it wasn't really a good day because my dear beloved friend Mary, sadly didn't last yesterday night. I have been depress and sometime cry in my room almost throughout the hold morning, I lost another friend yet again this pain's me even more to know that someone very important to me was now gone and never coming back to me.

while I was still in room, letting my tears flowing down on my cheeks knowing I won't be able to stop crying pretty soon. About a minute later I heard a knock on the door from my room, then a voice spoke through on the other side of the door.

" Young Master Haruki, may I come in your room? " The male voice said, in which I immediately know who's this person is. I quickly wipe off the tears with my sleeves and toke a deep breath to claim myself down a bit.

" Yes, please come in Okitsu. " As I said this, I heard the door began to open wide only to reviled Okitsu Kazuyuki a very well known butler, who is very loyal to my brothers and a very dear friend of mine. Okitsu was always there for me and the person who I could talk to, about my feelings and my problems.

** Okitsu**

I notice the look on Okitsu face, almost as if he knew what I have been going through

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I notice the look on Okitsu face, almost as if he knew what I have been going through. I've become hesitanted to even looked at Okitsu-san, not with those eyes of his, I looked away from him for a moment and ask him about something, since he's here in the room with me.

" um.... w-what brings you here to my room Okitsu-san ? "

"...." he didn't respond.

Just as I was about asked him again, but stop myself when I felt two pairs of arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a hugging embrace.

" O-Okitsu, what are- "

" It's okay, laid it all out there's no need for you to hold back Haruki "

Upon hearing this from Okitsu, I felt my tears slide down on my cheeks. I continue to cry on Okitsu chaste while he's holding me in his arms.

" *sob*....I-I-its....not......fair......m-my.....f-f-friends....doesn't...deserve to...die...*hiccups* "

" I know "

" I-it's...all my fault...*sob*....I...I-I...couldn't...*hiccups* them....a-and.....they...all hate me...f-for...not...*sob*....saving them...*hiccups* "

" Haruki, none of this is your fault and your friend would never hated you. "

Nobody's POV

Okitsu held Haruki tightly in his arm while stroking the boy head, and listening to the young vampire who felt sorry for him knowing he lost another friend and blaming himself for not able to save them from his brothers. He doesn't like to see Haruki crying or in pain, Okitsu wanted to see Haruki smile and would tell him about many thing, that the brides tells him about the outside world, what the people like, what they do, what they eat, what the town look like and etc. Haruki always wanted to go outside and see the human world with his own eyes but his elder brothers won't let him leave the mansion no matter how many times he asked them, even the vampire king himself forbid him from leaving the mansion at any cause. He never understand why or what was the real reason for him not to leaved the household, it almost as if he's hiding something from him that he doesn't want him to know of. Upon thinking and trying to find the reason behind it, Okitsu notice the young vampire has stop crying he looked down at the boy.

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