1 | are you ready?

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Music was blaring as the bass bounced off of the walls. Lexi and I made our way through the mass of sweaty bodies to the kitchen to grab a drink.

I was leading Lexi through the crowd, as she held my hand and trailed behind me and leaned in close so I could hear her.

"Who would have thought school starting tomorrow would be such a cause for celebration?" she yelled into my ear.

"It's not, for me at least. This is more of a last night of freedom thing." I replied as we finally found and entered the kitchen.

"That's because you're a hater, Cami." Lexi said as we found the keg and filled our cups with beer.

"Bitch," I laughed "We're the exact same, don't even try."

"The difference between us is I've got my smoking hot man." Lexi teasingly replied as she downed her beer, knowing full well what my response is going to be before I even say it.

"Men ain't shit, Lexi."

Lexi's response was cut off by Drake's Nice for What blaring through the speakers, further proving my point.

Okay, so maybe I was a hater. But most people would agree with me so I don't dwell on it. Instead, Lexi and I down more beer before making our way to the dance floor with the intent of taking full advantage of the scene before us.


Lexi and I had our normal routine going for about an hour before Dev showed up.

Dance, drink, repeat.

I watch with a smirk as my best friends boyfriend sneaks up behind her and whispers, no doubt, a crude comment in her ear.

As I'm watching them shamelessly flirt with each other as if they haven't been dating for the past two years, Lexi's previous statement comes into my mind, and I can't disagree with her.

Now, I would never steal my best friends man, but he is mighty attractive. And together I'd say they make the hottest couple I've ever seen.

Lexi's mixed background gives her the perfect constant glow, and her eyes shine with happiness as she takes in her half white, half Pakistani man.

I'm about to excuse myself to find my man for the night when Dev's words brings Lexi's smirk out, the smirk that always gets me into some kind of trouble.

Before I can protest, Lexi grabs my hands and pulls me in the direction of the backyard.

I don't even bother trying to protest, knowing full well Lexi won't be able to hear me, and even if she does she won't care.

Instead, I turn my head to look at Dev whose trailing behind us, matching Lexi's smirk. I give him the 'what the fuck?' look, and in return his smirk grows devious.

My questions are answered when I trail behind Lexi into the backyard and my eyes land on Elijah Sanders.

Eli is Dev's best friend whose been MIA for the last six months, nobody knows where he's been except for Dev and I can't help but be shocked that he's back.

Before he left, Eli and I could be considered friends. Mostly because of Lexi and Dev's relationship, but I still saw him quite a bit.

I now know why Lexi was so excited to bring me out here, Eli and I always used to be surrounded by sexual tension, mostly because of his shameless flirting, but also because he's extremely attractive.

We've only ever made out once, and that was the last time I ever saw him. I wasn't expecting to be the one to tie the bad boy down, but I was surprised when he took off without a word.

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