Chapter 16

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When Dick woke up it was to voices. Voices of his old friends, or at least he hoped so. He so didn't want to be a dream again.

"Do you really think it's him Rob? The first Robin? I thought we'd never find him after what Joker did!" A voice he hadn't heard in a long while.

Dick kept his eyes closed as he listened.

"It's him Arty." Jason replied. "Batman said he has some of the same old scars he got when he was on the team and when he was the first Robin. And he's three years older than what he was when he first disappeared. The only change is his height and hair."

Dick could feel someone touch his old scar he obtained above his heart by Joker carving into his chest. The large jagged J still felt like a brand on his skin. He held in his groan until someone decided to touch his neck where Joker's new scar laid. It was still hurting from the electrocution, so when it was touched he hissed in pain and turned his head away from the offending touch. Whoever touched him quickly removed their hands and took a step back.

There was a sound to his left, running water. Was someone pouring him some water to drink? He slowly opened his eyes, dimly noting his helmet was off but his mask still on. He blinked a few times as the lights made his head hurt. He moved his arms and gasped as a slight twinge of where his other injuries from Joker and Deathstroke on his body were. He tried sitting up but only managed to lift his head a bit before someone helped him to sit up.

Superboy saw how much pain his friend was in even though he tried to overcome it by sitting up. He quickly moved by his side and helped him sit up.

Jason got his brother some water, before Superboy helped him up. He walked over to his brother and helped him to drink the cup of water. He watched the grimance of pain slowly go away on his brother's face. He pulled the now empty cup away and stood by his brother's bed.

Dick's throat felt much better after drinking that water and so he finally looked at all of his old friends. He smirked slightly still a bit tired as he spoke hoarsely. "Hey guys." He blinked tiredly as everyone sat on his bed with him while Superboy stayed behind him to help keep him lifted up.

Jason spoke up. "Is it... really you?" He asked hesitantly.

Dick chuckled softly before coughing as that irritated his throat a bit. "It's me lil bro. I'm sorry..." He said looking away.

Superboy spoke up from behind his friend's back. "Whar are you sorry for?"

Dick blinked slowly. "For causing so much... trouble... after..." He coughed. "I'm sorry I didn't come back... right away."

Artemis spoke up this time glaring at him. "Don't be sorry. We looked for three years to find you and you've been under our noses this whole time!?!?" She almost screamed.

Dick shook his head no. "I've been back... six months." He paused letting it sink in. "I was... in another dimension... where I was supposed to be dead... and you..." He looked to Jason. "You took over... helping everyone. The team... didn't know me. They all... looked so confused... The only people who knew me were... Wally and Roy." He took a few deep breaths to rest his throat. "The Batman there helped me make a new life for myself after I healed up. That's when I became Red X."

Megan questioned him as he sat there. "What did you do as Red X?"

Dick smirked tiredly then frowned. "Joined the villians in order to get inside intel for Bats. They never figured it out. Then again the Robin they knew had died three years before I showed up so noone guessed it to be me."

Everyone almost smiled at that.

Dick shivered since he had no shirt on. He looked down at his muscled scarred torso. "Where's my shirt?" He asked as he fought to keep his eyes open.

Batman chose that moment to come in. "Everyone should leave to let him get some rest."

The team awwed and said goodbye to Dick before leaving. Superboy helped Dick lay back down before he left the room.

Batman closed the door behind Superboy and walked over to his son before sitting down on the bed and removing his cowl. Hos eye's were glassy as he stared at Dick pulling off his son's mask to see those deep crystalline blue eyes that sparkled like diamonds. "You have no idea how much I've missed you Chum." He smiled warmly trying not to cry.

Dick smiled tiredly and very happy. "I've missed you too Tati."

Bruce hugged his son. "I'm never letting you go again. Welcome home, my son."

Dick's shoulders trembled as his father hugged him. He let out a choked sob before letting his tears fall and leaning his head into his father's chest. "I'm home." He whispered as he smiled in content with tears still streaming down his face.

Bruce kissed his son's head as he held him in his arms.

Dick cried himself into exhaustion. He yawned and slowlt let his eyes close. "I love you Tati." He mumbled half asleep already.

"I love you too Dickie. Get some sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up." He let his son go and sat down in the chair next to the bed and held his son's hand as he watched him fall asleep with a peaceful smile.


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