Chapter 4

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Eyelids fluttered open as a small groan escaped parted lips. Blue eyes stared up at a white ceiling blinking after a minute. The events of what happened to him made his eyes widen as he gasped sitting up fast. A flash of pain erupted through his body making him clutch his stomach as a yelp escaped his lips. He didn't notice the figure sitting in a chair beside the bed. The boy blinked and lifted the blanket to see his stomach wound. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. The boy spoke up mumbling. "Stupid Joker. How come I always become the hostage? Why can't it be Wally or Artemis?" The boy pouted and brought a hand to his neck feeling the small cut there. He then looked up at the door and then the ceiling and then the medical equipment hooked up to him. He blinked. "Must be in Mount Justice's med bay." He then looked to his side and seen Batman, his mentor. The boy grinned sheepishly and scratched his cheek. "Hey Bats! Uh... sorry I got hurt. Is the team okay? No one else got hurt because of Gotham's villains and co. did they?" He looked worried.

Batman pulled off his cowl. "How... How are you alive Dick? You died in my arms three years ago. How did you get into Mount Justice when you weren't in the system? How did you know the team when you weren't even introduced?"

Dick blinked. "Wha... but... I never died! I was with you and the young justice team me, Wally, Kaldur, and Conner created when we disobeyed you and the league to check out the fire at Cadmus where we met Conner. Everyone of us was fighting Joker, Harley, Bane, Ivy, Penguin, and more! Joker held me hostage to get you all to stop winning the fight. He was going to slice my neck when I signaled to you I would be okay. He stabbed me when he seen and then I heard a bang before everything went and then light. I came too on top of a building bleeding half to death and walked to the nearest zeta tube once I found some clothes to disguise me. Everything else was a blur but I remember hacking into the main frame to get me here where the team were."

Bruce sighed. "Richard, how old are you?"

Dick blinked. "I'm fifteen right now Bruce. I don't turn sixteen until three months from now."

Bruce looked down. "Dick. You died three years ago, but at the time you were fourteen. It was right before the team was made."

Dick's mind raced until the pieces hit him at full force making his eyes widen. "Your not my Bruce are you? Just like I'm not your Robin. Whatever the Riddler shot me with didn't leave an injury. So...oh my god! He shot me to another world!!" Dick went into panic mode. "No. No. No! NO!! How am I gonna get back!? How are the team going to be without me?! What if someone gets killed because of me!?"

Dick would've kept going but Bruce took his head in his hands to make him look at him. Bruce looked into Dick's blue eyes and firmly spoke to him in a calming manner. "Richard. Calm down son. You can't panic right now. Just calm down and breathe before you go into a panic attack. It's going to be okay. I'll help you get back to your world but for now you need to calm down."

Dick's eyes watered before he tackle hugged Bruce and cried in the older man's arms, clutching onto him like a life line.

They stayed like that. Dick crying his eyes out and Bruce rubbing his back and comforting him. This Richard Grayson may not be his world's Robin but he was still his son. 

Dick's crying became less as time went on. He had fallen asleep in his mentor's arms.

Bruce gently pried Dick's sleeping self from his suit and laid him down on the med bay bed. He checked his son/ protege's stomach wound to make sure it didn't reopen. He was relieved to see it didn't. He covered Dick up with the blanket up to his shoulders and wiped the tears away from the boy's cheeks without waking him. He got up and put his cowl back on and walked out the door ready to talk to his colleagues.

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