Chapter Six

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After the three snapped out of their shock and calmed Dick down, they sat down beside the bed.

Dick was laying back in the bed again.

Wally looked to Dick. "You're probably hungry. I'm going to bring you something to eat."

Dick nodded and smiled slightly. "Thanks KF."

Wally grinned. "Be back in a flash!"

Dick snickered as Wally left the room. "Seems he'll never change." He looked to Batman. "Do you think Agent A would be able to make me a new suit. I would go for my Robin suit but... I am from another world so I should change my name. Right?"

Batman nodded. "I'll see to it that he get's the message. Will you be using another name?"

Dick nodded. He thought about if for a minute. "Red X. That way I can keep my black and red color scheme, maybe a full face mask that can distort my voice so none of the villains can recognize me."

Batman nodded once. "That would work for Joker and the Riddler."

Dick smiled. "Can I get new gadgets to match the X scheme?"

Batman almost smiled. Almost. "I'll have to make sure you get some then."

Dick grinned. "Can I help design everything for my suit? With me being Red X I could get some information behind enemy lines. I already know stuff from my world and this world isn't much different except for the fact I'm supposively dead here."

Batman narrowed his eyes. "You could get yourself killed if they find out about you."

Dick shrugged. "They won't. But I will have to attack both the justice league and the young justice. But I will never kill or severely injure anyone."

Batman sighed. "Fine. But I'm putting a tracker on you to keep in touch and you will also have a communicator."

Dick nodded. "That'll work."

Roy blinked. "I'll help you since I'm not working on the team." He looked to them for confirmation.

Dick scratched his cheek looking away. "Why? The team needs you here for now. Plus I don't think Bats here is going to let me go anywhere soon until I'm fully healed."

Batman held back a smirk of victory. "He's correct about that."

Roy seemed to pout as he glared at the ground. "Fine."

Dick chuckled.

Wally came running in with a plate of cookies and a sandwich.

Dick blinked surprised. "Miss M didn't burn the cookies?"

Wally laughed slightly. "Not this time actually. Artemis helped her." He handed the plate to Dick watching as he took the plate and started eating the cookies first.

Dick hummed in pure bliss as he ate the food.

Batman stood up. "Roy, Wally, let's leave Dick to rest after he finishes eating."

Roy nodded and left the room, giving a small wave at Dick as he left.

Wally hugged Dick as he hugged back.

Dick watched as Wally speeded away with his now empty plate.

Batman ruffled Dick's hair after he pulled down his cowl. "Get some rest. In the morning I'll see about bringing you home, but for now you need to sleep so you can heal."

Dick smiled and nodded. "Okay. Night Bruce." Dick said yawning as he rubbed his eyes.

Bruce smiled slightly but warmly and hugged Dick before pulling his cowl back on and leaving the room.

Dick yawned and laid down as he quickly fell asleep without any dreams.

Robin young justice's Red XWhere stories live. Discover now