Chapter Ten

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(Sorry i haven't updated since the last chapter but I was writing this one up and I'll tell you what... its probably my most longest one. Hope you all enjoy!)

After a few weeks Dick was able to train in his new costume for once and was able to figure out all of his weaponry within a month. Today was Dick's last day living with Bruce, Alfred, and Jason.

The three were sad to see Dick go, but they knew he had to. Bruce gave Dick a thousand dollars to get himself an apartment and food for his new home. Alfred gave Dick a container full of his famous chocolate chip cookies, and Jason gave Dick a mask to go under the Red X costumes mask just in case.

Dick smiled and put the stuff in his backpack before looking at everyone. They were in the batcave cause he needed a way to easily leave Gotham without being noticed. He grinned. "If you guys ever need me comm. me. I'll be here as fast as I can. Also I am very sorry if I ever steal anything from the company. Oh! Thanks Jay for my new look. Bleach blonde works well with my bright blues." Dick laughed softly.  He had to change alot about himself but at least he was able to keep his normal eye color. He even had to change his wardrobe. Dick looked down at his combat boots and forest green slightly torn up cargo pants and sleeveless black shirt and chain belt. He ran his hand through his now slightly spikey bleach blonde hair.

Jason smiled. "Your missing something big brother."

Dick raised an eyebrow with an amused smirk. "Oh? What would that be baby bird?"

Jason grinned and pulled out a sleeveless slightly torn up black jean jacket vest and some nice black leather gloves and a pair of black non see through sunglasses. (Now noone would be able to see Dick's blue eyes.)

Dick grinned back and put on his new duds. "Wow. They do suit me. Wish me luck in Bludhaven guys. I'm going to start my new career there and maybe move later."

Bruce looked down at Dick and rested his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Be safe Dick and use the emergency beacon if you ever need us."

Dick nodded. "I will. I promise."

Alfred handed Dick a small suitcase. "Take this Master Dick. With a press of a botton it can turn into a black and red motorcycle."

Dick's eyes shined, behind his sunglasses, in awe as he took the suitcase with a smile. "Thank you Alfie. I love it." He hugged all three and turned to the zeta tube. With one last glance back he called out one last time till they meet again. "Bye guys."

As his last words were said, he walked through never to be heard from again for three years.

Unknown to Dick those three years would be difficult at first until he got used to his new life.

~ time skip /recount of the time Dick got to Bludhaven~

As Dick arrived in Bludhaven he immediately set out to find himself a new home. He found a small apartment complex and rented out a room at the very top.  He set to work on fixing up his new home by putting up his stuff away in a place noone would find it. He was glad that the apartment was cheap even though it looked almost like an abandoned place, mostly cause of the dark old blood stain he found on the floor in the living room, and the spider webs and dust all over. Dick sighed and started to clean the webs and dust using a piece of cloth he found in the dirty bathroom. Dick frowned as he thought about all the things he would need to buy with his fake ID.

When Dick finished cleaning some of the apartment, he took his suitcase motorcycle and his money Bruce gave him, and left his apartment, locking up as he did so.

Dick walked all the way down stairs and left the building. He glanced around to make sure noone was around and set his suitcase down pressing a button that scanned his fingerprint before turning into a motorcycle. He looked closely and seen that with a press of another button he could have a sidecar. He grinned a bit as he pressed it and put his backpack in it with his money and keys. He put on his helmet that was with the bike and sped off to the nearest store for food, cleaning supplies, bathroom supplies, and anything else he might need.

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