Chapter nine

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(Wowza who knew we'd get this far with a silly thought of mine? Thanks for the support guys I luv ya guys! ♡♥♡♥♡ ^~^) (Jem and the holograms song. Jems solo song. I couldn't help myself due to the fact that I saw a few episodes of the tv show when I was a kid and I gotta say I cant remember it at all but the movie was awesome!)

Dick awoke to the sounds of someone drawing beside his bed. He could hear the scritch scratch of the pencil on paper. He opened his eyes and looked to his side. He seen a boy with green eyes and midnight black hair. He smiled knowing that the younger boy was the second robin, and his adopted brother. He sat up, not feeling any pain yet from his stomach wound, and ruffled the second Robin's hair, startling the boy. Dick laughed at the boys facial expression.

Jason's mouth hung open as Dick laughed. He then grinned. "Your awake! Finally! Now I can tell you my name!" Jason shot up from the floor startling Dick, thus making him yelp and hit his back on the wall. Jason's eyes widened. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you Dickie!"

Dick blinked. "I... it's okay. So... since you obviously know who I am... who are you?.. Well besides being the second robin." He chuckled.

Jason smiled proudly. "I'm Jason. Jason Todd."

Dick smiled. "Nice. Hey Jaybird? Is Alfred cooking lunch or breakfast?" Dick's stomach let out a growl.

Jason laughed. "Come on Dickie bird, let's go get lunch. You've been asleep for awhile. Alfred said that Bruce found you in the shower fast asleep."

Dick blushed crimson. "Not my fault! I was really sleepy after staying up almost all night to draw my new suit." He grumbled as he got out of his bed, crossed his arms, and pouted as he walked to his door and all the way downstairs to the kitchen.

Jason snickered as he followed after him.

Dick sat at the table still pouting and giving Jason a batglare of his own.

Alfred raised an eyebrow at Dick's expression as well as Jason's own. "Are the young masters hungry?"

Dick's stomach decided to let out a growl at that moment as he was still glaring at Jason with a pout on his face, and arms crossed. His cheeks started to turn slightly pink from his stomachs growling.

Jason fell to the floor holding his stomach as he laughed at Dick.

Dick growled and lunged at Jason quickly putting him into an arm lock as he sat on Jason's back with the younger boys arms crossed behind him with Dick holding them down.

Jason yelped, his laughter stopping quickly, and tried to escape from under Dick but failed to do so. "Dick! Let me go!"

Dick smirked. "Nope. Not until Alfie finishes lunch, then I'll get up. Till then I have a very squishy, yet comfortable seat."

Jason huffed but still tried to escape, getting angry.

Alfred put two plates of delicious sandwiches that both boys liked and then put two glasses of milk with them. One glass of milk was chocolate, while the other was regular milk. He smiled softly as Dick got off Jason and almost ran to the table to eat.

"Thanks Alfie!" Dick said as he started to dig in.

Jason grumbled to himself but got up and ate at the table slightly glaring at Dick.

While the two boys ate, Alfred fixed up something for Bruce to eat as well as not even a second after Bruce came in sitting down at the table.

Bruce slouched in his seat next to his two sons. He sighed running a hand through his hair before starting to eat as well. He spoke after swallowing. "I see you two have officially met. How are you feeling now Dick?"

Dick grinned after swallowing. "Jay bird and I talked a bit but I got to sit on him before we ate cause he embarrassed me."

Bruce raised an eyebrow at the 'Jay bird' comment. "Oh? What did you get embarrassed about to make you sit on him?"

Jason glared at Dick. "He sat on me because I kept laughing at him for falling asleep in the shower and he started pouting after that and when his stomach growled I couldn't help but laugh!"

Bruce chuckled amused. "Really now? Well I have some good news though... Dick your new suit should be done fully by the time your healed."

Dick gasped and then grinned happily. "Really?! Thanks Bruce! I'm gonna need to train a bit more though and learn a different style in order to be the best."

Bruce ate a bit more before speaking again. "So how do you plan on becoming our informant?"

Dick blinked. "Oh, well that's an easy task. They've been trying to find many ways to beat the league but the young justice team will keep getting in their way. If I do some petty things like Catwoman then I can be neither good or evil. This way they will try to bribe me with intel and money to join them. I won't take the offers unless they say something I don't already know. This way if I ever get back to my dimension I'll be ahead of the game. One things for sure if I'm offered even more training I might take it. This way I can beat them at their own games. While you find a way to bring me back to my world I'll make a temporary life here but not in the mansion. I'm sorry I won't be staying once I'm healed Bruce. I just don't want the enemies to know about you guys. Plus if this is another dimension I need to make sure your Roy is the real Roy."

Jason blinked. "What do you mean Dick?" The boy looked so confused.

Dick sighed sadly. "In my dimension our Roy was replaced by a clone for seven whole years. (?) Noone knew about it until after he completed his mission and the team had to stop Klarion and the league."

Jason's eyes widened. "Whoa... you went through a lot in your dimension didn't you?"

Dick nodded with a grim smile. "Yeah. Almost died quite a few times too. I also got to face an old fear."

Bruce raised an eyebrow at this, while Jason looked at Dick with a face full of awe.

Dick smiled sadly. "It was probably the best mission that I decided on by myself. Of course that was after I got sick." He shrugged nonchalantly and finished eating.

Jason blinked and finished eating. "Hey Dick? How are you going to be able to help us if your not around?"

Dick smirked. "I'm always around lil bird." He then let out his famous cackle. "This will be so asterous to sabotage bad guys from behind enemy lines. I'll even probably troll the teams too if you guys don't mind heavy pranks and stuff without me ever being seen."

Jason's mouth gapped open. "Seriously!?! Why?!"

Dick chuckled. "Because it'll be fun to see how much terror I can inflict! Mwhhahahaha!" Dick laughed evilly at the end and then reached over to tickle Jason.

Jason laughed and tried to escape Dick's tickle attacks. "Stop! Stop! I give! Ha ah ha!"

Dick stopped with a smile. "Okay. So... wanna play some games together?"

Jason sat up and nodded fervently. "Yes!"

Dick chuckled before hopping out of his seat running towards his room. "Race ya there Jay bird!" He cackled as he ran.

Jason frowned and ran after. "No fair! Dick! You got a head start!"

Bruce chuckled fondly as Alfred smiled.

Alfred took the plates and cups, and started to wash them.

Bruce rubbed his forehead. "It'll be quiet once he's gone again. Wont it Alfred?"

Alfred sighed. "Indeed Master Bruce, it will be. For now though... shall we enjoy it while it lasts?"

Bruce smiled slightly looking over at Alfred before back to where the boys ran off to. "I believe we will Alfred. I believe we will."
Holy Styx Batman I got almost 1400 words for this chapter. To think that was only six full pages in my notebook.

^-^ hope you have enjoyed this long chapter.

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