Chapter 15

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Batman was pissed. Ra's DARED to inject the poisonous contents of the Lazarus pit into his son! He was livid, and wanted to beat the living daylights out of the three who took him. He attacked with a vengeance and took all three on.

Superman and Wonder Woman came in after MM told them to mentally. So now the three did what Batman asked them to do to save Red X and take down the supervillians.

Noone noticed that Red X had stopped breathing during the fight as it came to a close.

Batman knocked out the three bad guys with his team's help, although Cheshire escaped while everyone was distracted.

Superman gasped as he listened. "Red X isn't breathing!"

Batman turned to Superman. "Get these three to Gordon. I will resuscitate Red X. Manhunter call to the monitor tower and go ahead and get the med bay ready in the mountain."

Everyone left while Wonder Woman watched out for others who may want to attack them.

Batman ran over to Red X and removed the helmet on the boy's head. There was blood inside the helmet and on the boy's lips and face. Batman quickly opened the boy's mouth to make sure there's no blood in his throat. When he knew it was clear, he moved the boy to lay flat on his back and started chest compressions when that didn't work he closed Red's nose, opened his mouth and breathed into his mouth three times before doing more chest compressions.

Red X still did not breathe until Batman breathed into his mouth again and did one more chest compression before he coughed up the last remaining blood in his lungs. He turned his head to cough it all up and took in long deep gasping breaths. He groaned and brought a hand up to his head feeling a headache coming on. He didn't know his helmet was off until he spoke. "Man my head hurts." He rasped.

Batmam had no doubts now that Red X was his son. He gently picked him uo along with the helmet as the boy's eyes closed back into slumber. Batman watched as his son's hand fell from his head and fell limp at his side. He kept a watchful eye on his son's breathing as he walked with Diana to outside the warehouse where they were beamed up and brought to Mount. Justice.

When the trio arrived at the mountian the whole team was there even Jason was there in his Robin suit.

Jason ran up to them. "Is he okay!?"

Batman spoke while walking past his youngest son and to the med bay. "He was injected with the Lazarus chemicals. He stopped breathing for awhile but he should be fine now. We'll see to him in the med bay."

Superboy, who was off to the side, caught a glimpse of Red X's face as well as black hair, tipped with golden blonde tips, that was a lot longer than they all thought it would be. Superboy figured if the boy was standing his hair would be just below his shoulders.

Batman went into the med bay and laid his son on the bed. He cut off the top of the boy's suit and hooked him up to the monitors before taking a blood sample to see what the Lazarus chemicals did to him after he checked for injuries by getting the red X's off the boy's injuries that apparently healed. He touched his son's neck to assess the damage which was still slightly there but thankfully not bad. He removed his hand and left to test the blood just to be safe.

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