Chapter 13

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*warning violence ahead!*

Jason heard every breath that Red X took and every gasp and cry of pain before the comm. went off. When he had heard Red X call Deathstroke Wilson, he quickly called the justice league.

When Martian Manhunter answered the call he was not expecting a half hysterical Robin asking for back up for Red X in a warehouse. He told the boy to calm down and tell him everything. When he said that Red X was surrounded by Joker, Deathstroke, Cheshire, and Ra's al Goul, he knew it was bad. He mentally relayed the news to Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.

The three met him in the control room.

Jason was still on the screen with MM. He flinched as he heard the cry from Red X before it cut off and he heard a wet cough again before the comm. went off. He looked up when the others appeared on screen. "I'm sending the coordinates. Hurry! X was coughing up blood before the coom. cut off."

Back with Red X...

Joker tied up Red X to a chair and the four of them waited till he woke up from what he could see, there was a crack in the kids helmet. He reached for it.

Deathstroke grabbed Joker's hand. "Not yet Joker. Let's wait till he awakens. It'll be more fun that way."

"I could wake him up now and we won't have to wait!" Joker laughed.

Ra's hummed. "Perhaps we could go with Joker's plan... for now."

Joker grinned evilly when Deathstroke let go of his arm. "Wakey wakey little brat!" He cackled as he placed his hand on the kid's chest and electricity circulated through his veins.

"AAAAAH!" Dick screamed as he was shocked awake by Joker's hand buzzer toy.

"He's awake!" Joker cheerfully said as he cackled and removed his buzzer from Red X's limp, twitching body.

Deathstroke grabbed Red X's helmet and lifted his head a bit. "Who are you?"

Dick chuckled under his mask. "If I wanted you to know that, would I be wearing a mask?"

Deathstroke growled and punched Red X in the stomach. Dick doubled over and almost choked on blood that got stuck in his throat from the punch.

Joker cackled. "Can I play with him?"

Deathstroke removed his fist and took a step away for Joker.

Joker still had his knife out. "Hello kiddo! Do you want to play a game?"

Dick swallowed the blood in his mouth. He looked up at Joker. "Screw... you... clown..." He said breathlessly.

Joker grabbed Red X's not broken arm and stabbed his knife into the boy's shoulder and twisted.

"AAAAAAAAH!" Dick's head slammed back into the back of the chair. When the knife was removed he groaned in pain. He cursed tha clown, in his head, in every language he knew.

"Let's try this again, yeah? You tell us everything you know and we let you free or you don't tell us and we continue the game! Which do you prefer?" Joker grinned.

Dick mumbled.

"What was that?" Joker leaned in a bit to hear.

Dick grinned. "I said... I ain't telling you SH*T!" He slammed his head against Joker's making the clown fall on his butt and hold his head in his hands.

Joker growled getting back up. "That wasn't very nice. Your uncle J's going to have to teach you some manners!" He grinned as he grabbed Red X's throat with his buzzer hand.

Electricity flowed through his body but hurt his throat so bad that the suit was burnt and melted off burning Dick's throat as he screamed his throat raw.

Deathstroke quickly removed Joker from the boy by flinging him across the room into a wall. "What were you thinking!? He can't talk if his throat is burned you fool!" He growled at Joker.

Joker pouted. "Party pooper." He grumbled before straightening his clothes again.

Dick's vision grew black as steam drifted off his body. His head fell limp backwards as he blacked out again. His last thoughts before he blacked out were of Bruce. /Bruce... Tati... help.../

Robin young justice's Red XOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora