- help

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^ [don listen to that yet....]

Parking lot 11:45pm:

???: hey

I quickly spun around towards where i heard that voice. It sounded kinda uh familiar....

You: uh yes?

???: wait, do you not remember me?

You: sorry but i don't....


I forgot jungkook was there until he grabbed onto my arm and held me close to him.

Jungkook: Listen here buddy, you better back off.
— holding you close to his chest and staring at the guy.

???: Y/N~ babyyyyy

You: J-jungkook he's scaring me.
— looking up to him

Jungkook noticed how scared you looked,
Jungkook: Y/N let's get out of here.

As we were both about to leave the guy grabbed onto my arm and pulled me close to him.


Jungkook: HEY LET HER GO!

Jungkook came running towards me but the guy pulled out a knife behind his back.

You: Jungkook don't!

???: Now be a good little girl and stay quiet!

He slowly started to walk backwards towards his car with me in this arms. I didn't know what to do the only thing i could do was cry.
Jungkook was just staring at the scene that was unfolding in front of him.

Jungkook P.O.V

SHIT! what do it do?!

Me: What do you want huh?!

???: What do i want? I want Y/N all to myself!

Me: Y/N don't worry stay calm

As soon as i said that she broke down in tears, i've never seen her cry and it broke my heart to see her cry and i couldn't do anything about it.


I turned towards the voice and saw.....


???: What are you gonna do huh? HAHAHA

Yoongi: Let her go i'm warning you...

Yoongi gave the guy five seconds to let Y/N go, After the five seconds he punched the guy hard in the face.

The guy was to busy fighting with Yoongi that he let Y/N go. She immediately fell to the floor shaking, I quickly ran to her.

Me: Y/N! shhh don't worry your okay now.
I said holding her close to me.

Y/N: Y-Yoongi watch out he has a knife!

???: Oh thanks for reminding me sweetheart.

Y/N tried to get up to help yoongi, but was still in shock.

— sound of the ambulance—
At the hospital:

You: I can't believe this happened, it's all my fault.... i'm so sorry....
— sobbing

Jungkook: it's okay Y/N, It's not your fault at all.
he said as he gestured you to sit down on the hospital bed with him.

Doctor: Sorry guys but visiting hours are over.

aesthetic pleasure § j.jkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz