Chapter 18

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            “Casey!” Ms. Tyler came running at me, it’s funny how much younger she acted then she really is.


            “Oh man you look so good!”

            “Thanks, I feel good. So let’s go in and watch the ceremony and I’ll visit after, okay?” The ceremony wasn’t too long and then the 8th graders fled the building leaving the teachers and me. We walked up to Ms. Tylers room and conversed a little bit and then I said I’ll be back soon and I was going to go and visit Mr. Kris and Mr. Jeff. I walked across the school and tapped on Mr. Kris’s door.

            “Hey Casey, long time no see, come in.” He smiled at me, I was shocked he didn’t have a smart sarcastic comment or something. I sat across from him on one of his desks and he pulled up on of his chairs and sat across me.

            “Hey Mr. K how’s it going?”

            “Pretty well, but more importantly how are you?”

            “Well Mere went off to jail, hah, but it’s been a crazy year for me.”

            “In a good or bad way?”

            “Both sort of.”

            “What happened?”

            “Well…” I thought about whether or not I wanted to tell him about Kaylie.

            “It must be serious.”

            “I had a baby…” I felt slightly disappointed in myself.

            “Oh? When?”

            “About a week ago…”

            “Did you give it up or something?”

            “No, she’s home with dad.”

            “Who’s the father?”

            “Nick Bowman.”

            “Oh, I remember Nick, how are you after all that?”

            “Slightly still in pain but I’m okay.”

            “I can imagine, my wife has been through 3 births.” He smirked at himself.

            “Yeah, I know…”

            “You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of Casey, stuff happens.”

            “I know…but I know things are going to work out.”

            “I know they will too, well you might want to go say hi to Mr. Jeff, he’s been up my ass since you got here to go see him.”

            “Okay, will do, see you later Mr. K.”  I hugged him and went downstairs to the guidance office and knocked on Mr. Jeff’s door.”

            “Casey!? How are you, come in.” He cheered.

            “Hey Mr. Jeff, how are yah?” I asked sitting down.

            “I’m well, what’s been happening.”

            “Crazy things man.”

            “Like what?”

            “Well Mere went to jail.”

            “Oh? I bet you’re happy, what else.”

            “I…um…had a baby.”

            “Really? When?”

            “A week ago…”

            “Are you serious? How are you?”

            “I’m fine. It’s been sort of crazy but nothing really.”

            “Boy or Girl?”

“Girl Kaylie Rose.” I smiled.


“Well, Mr. Jeff I think I am going to go up and visit Ms. Tyler for a while and then go home to her, so it was great seeing you.”

“Nice seeing you too.” I smiled and hugged him and walked back upstairs

            “So did you go see the guys?”

            “Yeah, they were shocked to hear about me having a baby.”

            “Well it is big news.”

            “I know…why do I feel so ashamed though?”

            “You shouldn’t be ashamed you should know that you are strong, you’re strong because you did something not many teens would’ve done.”

            “I guess…but hey it happened and now I am responsible for another human being’s life, and that human being is sitting in my bedroom right now probably being held by Nick.”

            “Sweetheart, it’s alright, things happen.”

            “I know…but I have to go I need to get home and feed her.”

            “Alright sweetheart, nice to see you and message me whenever you need.” I nodded and hugged her and then left. When I got home Kaylie was sleeping so I relaxed with Nick for a while until we heard her cry, I cradled her and fed her and then brought her in with me and Nick and let her sleep in between us, for the first time I felt like a realy family.

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