Chapter 16

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            I woke up out of a sound sleep and saw the light shining through the window. I looked over to the clock on the wall and saw it was quarter to 10. Holy crap I have never slept that late. I went downstairs after washing my face and saw my dad sitting on the couch drinking coffee.

            “Good morning, I thought I would let you sleep for a while. Do you want some breakfast? I waited for you.”

            “Um yeah sure.”

            “Jackson, the usual times 2 please.” I wondered what the usual was. Apparently it was eggs, toast, bacon and home fries and wonderful coffee. It was so good.

            “I hope you don’t mind that I gave Nick your cell number just in case of emergency.”

            “No, I don’t mind but he won’t need it for long.” I gave him a questioned look.

            “What do you mean?” I asked.

            “Well, I figured you may need this.” He pulled a small box out of the inner pocket of his jacket and smiled handing it to me. I opened it and saw a touch screen cell phone with a slide keyboard, it was so awesome.

            I stood up and hugged him, “Thank you so much.”

            “You’re welcome,  knew you needed it since you don’t have one, and I want you to know something, I am not buying you all this stuff to win over your affection, I wanted to get you all this because I know you need it.”

            “I know, I have always loved you more than Meredith, I have always hated her. I always wondered where you were and what you were doing because I do miss you a lot.”  I confessed.

            “I have too, and I tried calling so many times but the number wasn’t in service, and no matter how much I tried to track you guys down it wasn’t possible.”

            “We didn’t have a phone, we had nothing, I was glad when she left, unfortunately I had other things on my mind…”


            “That was the day I found out I was pregnant.”

            “Oh…I bet you miss her a lot.”

            “I do so much. I love her like crazy and I have only known her since Thursday, I only knew she was a she since Thursday.”

            “I can imagine…you know I didn’t even know you were born until a few months after you were born?”


            “Yeah, I didn’t even know she was pregnant with you because she kicked me out of her life again, she came crawling back to me for money after she had you, you were the only I came back, and you were only 3 months old.”

            “I can’t believe that, she was always a whore. I really hate her, and I hope she is in prison forever.”

            “She may be, she threatened the lives of many, most likely she will for a while.”

            “Good, wonder how everything is at home.”  I looked down at my new phone and put in Mrs. Lawson’s number, then I would call Nick.

            “Well, I am going to go take a quick shower so why don’t you call them and see how they are and then we will see plans for today, ok?” I nodded, he stepped away from the table and went upstairs as I proceeded to press dial.

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