Chapter 11

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            One more month today! I was getting even more and more excited! I knew Mrs. Jones was too what could be more exciting! In one month Nick and I would have a baby, the only down side was I looked like I swallowed a watermelon and a half. None of that mattered, I just can’t wait to see my baby.

            “Good Morning.” I said walking out of the shower.

            “Good morning beautiful? How are you and my baby this morning?” He smiled standing up to kiss me good morning.

            “We are moving around quite a bit in there, but I as happy as can be.” I smiled and kissed him back.

            “Maybe the baby is almost ready to make its exit.”

            “Well then the baby would be a month early, the doctor said that labor maybe in 3 weeks or so, but anything before that most likely is false labor.”

            “Unfortunately, I absolutely cannot wait to see its little face, and finally be able to stop calling the baby it.”

            “Me too, you know we haven’t even decided on any names.”

            “Oh yeah, we haven’t, well have you thought of anything?”

            “No, I just figured when we first saw the baby’s face and know the gender we would just come up with one.” I said.

            “Yeah true, well we better head to school if we don’t want to be late.” I agreed and we got dressed quickly and left for school.

            “Good morning Mrs. Jones, how are you?” I looked at her.

            “Pretty good for 8 months pregnant.” She laughed, “How are you?”

            “Excited, I just can’t wait to see my baby’s face.”

            “I can imagine, oh I am getting really anxious myself, not matter how many babies a person has it is always going to be exciting.”

            “I’m sure it is, well not too long now.”

            “When was your due date again?”

            “The 24th, yours is the 31st right?”

            “Yea, but chances maybe early, which would be exciting.”

            “Same here, but I have a doctor’s appointment today after school to check on things and give me the run through of how things are going to work.”

            “I have that appointment next week, let me know how everything goes.”

            “I will.” The bell rang and I got seated for class, many people asked questions to Mrs. Jones about her baby, but she had just about many unknown answers as I did, I didn’t have a name, sex, or anything really, and neither did she. We both wanted to be surprised.

            The class went by so fast. Before I knew it I was off to Global History.

            “Morning Ms. Jackson.”

            “Good Morning Casey, how are you and the baby this morning?”

            “Very good thanks.” I smiled and sat down in my seat, I was thankful I have good grades so I don’t have to worry too much about taking finals. After that thought I started thinking about my time off after having the baby, what would I do when I return to school? I can’t just leave the baby home, what was I going to do? On my way to Geometry I sent a quick text to Nick.

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