Continue from Chapter 10

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Hi all! Sorry about this, I guess when I copied it from my word document i didnt catch the last part in it! My fault, and I didnt get to finding out until now, oh boy, well unfortunaty it is short but dont be upset The baby is coming soon! What do you think it is going to be? Comment your answers!


“Case?” I heard in the middle of the night.

            “Hm?” I groaned.

            “I am really sorry for flipping out on you earlier. I was just trying to protect you.”

            I turned over, “You really scared me Nick.”

            “I’m sorry, I have just been scared too.”

            “Why are you scared?”

            “Because I am really nervous that in only a short 2 and half months we are going to have a baby.”

            “I know, but it will be okay, don’t you think I’m scared too? In those 2 and a half months I’ve got to squeeze a watermelon through a golf ball while you hold my hand and tell me to breathe.”

            “Ouch…I forgot about that.”

            “Yeah, but it is scary but we can do it.” I smiled.

            “I hope so Case, I really do.”

            “Me too,  but I know we can.”

            One more thought before I turned over to sleep crossed my mind, why didn’t he tell me he was scared?

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