Chapter 14

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            I panicked and ran into the house and upstairs in fear she would see me, I flew into the doorway and looked at Nick.

            “What’s wrong?” He shot up.

            “Meredith is back.”

            “What? Where?”

            “She moved back in across the street with Kevin, what if she tries to get me back?”

            “She won’t if I have anything to do with it.” He said.

            “But she could, she has legal custody of me, and she won’t hesitate to go to court to make my life miserable. She could take me and Kaylie.”

            “The hell she will.” He was getting furious, “but don’t worry about that now just lay down and get some sleep you are exhausted.” I did as he said, but I was full of worry, I had no idea what she would do. I knew what she was capable of but no idea how she would use it. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I figured it out either. I couldn’t fall asleep after all of the thoughts swarmed my head. I just waited up until Kaylie woke up again. Which eventually she did looking to be changed and fed. I tried cradling her and rocking her to get her back to sleep but she wouldn’t, she just looked at me with her big brown eyes and smiled sometimes and other times she would just look at me. I walked her across her room and over to look out her window, which not until now I realized had perfect view of the house across the street. I saw her sitting on the couch on the phone, what was she doing up at this hour? She was writing some stuff down and then she hung up the phone and slammed it on the table in front of her. She stood up and walked over to the front door and opened it, I got scared. She marched across the street angrily and I closed my eyes until I heard the banging on the door.

            “Casey?!” Nick shot into the nursery.

            “I know.” I replied and looked at him in fear,“If I piss her off, the more she gets pissed the worse things she does, last time was bad, but this time could be worse and I promise that.” He nodded scarcely and so did I, I gave him and her a quick kiss and walked downstairs. I saw Mark walking just about to open the door but I beat him to it.

            “What do you want?” I looked at her.

            “Don’t what me you little bitch, you are my daughter and you will do as I say.” She grabbed me and held me by my throat, I saw the fear in Theresa’s eyes and Mark was about to take a step forward to help me, “If you even try to fight me for her I’ll kill her and you.”

            “What do you want Meredith.”

            “She is coming with me, and if you even think about calling the cops I will kill her and the fucking baby.” She looked at Kaylie in Nick’s arms up the stairs.

            They said nothing, well, they didn’t even have the chance to before the was tugging me across the street, she threw me into my old bedroom with nothing in it.

            “You listen here, you will never see any of them again, you will stay here, and I will make sure you go to school every damn day, I will get you there and pick you up sharp on time, if you say a word to anyone at all I will kill you, and this is the arrangement until I make another one for you to go live with your low life father because why the hell do you deserve to be happy if I am not, I just spent the last 4 months in jail because of you.” I said nothing and she closed the bedroom door and locked it from the outside. I turned the light on and sat in the far corner and cried. I knew she would do something outrageous. I knew I wouldn’t see Nick, or Kaylie for a long time. What was I going to do? That was a last thought before I fell asleep in the corner from crying.

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