Important Note

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Before I begin this short story I just wanted to say a few things. First off if you've even by some grace of a miracle clicked to read this story then THANK YOU SO MUCH! You are an awesome person in my eyes for giving my little idea a read. Thank you for that and I do hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think throughout so I can edit and make changes for the better.

Secondly, all work that you will see in this is all fictional and a mere figment of my imagination. I do not own the members of SHINee or any of their work and achievements. This story has been created purely with the sole intention of the respect and admiration I have for them. Anything you do not recognize however is something that I do own and is completely made up.

Thirdly any incidents that occur in this plot line or any resemblance that you may see to any scene or person is completely by chance. Nothing had been copied or infringed upon. All that you will read here is purely my own work, and I take full credit and ownership of it. Do not copy or translate any of my work without my permission. I do not tolerate too well with people who steal the hard work of others without having the courtesy of letting the person in question know of their intentions. The only thing I do not claim is quite obviously SHINee and anything that's related to them, as I mentioned earlier.

Fourthly and finally there may be some mentions of sensitive topic areas such as death and I would like to warn anyone who isn't comfortable with that to either not read this fanfiction or skip ahead of that part if they do wish to read my story. I will for the sake of warning put up a little note in the chapter to warn anyone who may experience discomfort because of certain topics being discussed so they don't have to read it if they don't want to.

Additionally, my reasoning behind creating this fanfiction was not to disrespect, shame or ridicule JongHyun's name and legend. I adore the man and all that he has done for us and only wanted to express my gratitude and respect for him through one of the best ways I know how; writing. Please, I implore all those who read this fanfiction to understand this important fact and not think any wrong of my motives are there is no such agenda on my mind.

Other than that please do enjoy my fanfiction and let me know what you think of it. :)

My Vow To YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora