A Returning Friend

Start from the beginning

I nodded with a warm smile. "Yes, thank you! That is very kind of you both. We do appreciate it!"

Bahiya takes a bite out of the meat first.

"You both have my most strongest blessings. I wish you luck in finding your dream home wherever that may be!" Said Uncle Kopa. He shakes my paw firmly.

I shook his paw back and gave him a tight hug. "Thanks Uncle Kopa! Your story still inspires me. I will always remember it."

Uncle Kopa did not spoke a word. He smiles widely and returned the hug. Bahiya chews her first bite of the meat, while I leaned down and tore off a piece for myself to enjoy. After talking more, eating, and giving each other hugs, it is now time for Bahiya and I to go.

"Please, come back and visit us anytime nephew! You and Bahiya are always welcome to." Said Aunt Vitani. She licks my purple nose.

I head bud her. "I will!"

"And we do expect you to bring cubs next time too." Uncle Kopa said, grinning.

Bahiya giggles while my cheeks turned a nice shade of red. I hear a loud rustling sound that had came from the tall grasses. It's my 3 cousins Aiysha, Hashaan, and Sahel. They are probably here to say their finals goodbyes.

Aiysha hugs Bahiya and I both. "Bye guys! Come back soon."

Next, Hashaan hugs us. "Goodbye! I wish you both safe travels. It was fun hanging out."

Lastly, the youngest of the two siblings Sahel hugs us. "Bye! Please come back. I had fun learning how to hunt with you Makosa."

I chuckled. "Haha, I will Sahel I promise!"

Bahiya and I begin to walk down a narrow path that will help lead us out of the land. Aunt Vitani and her family stand on top of a grassy hill. They watch us until we are officially gone. Once out of the land, Bahiya and I run across a small desert oasis.

Nothing but warm sand is underneath our paws. I squint my eyes since the wind decides to blow sand everywhere. We have no idea what is next ahead for us. But we are deeply driven into finding out what it might be. Could it be another beautiful land? Will it be our dream home? We will never know.

"Bahiya, Makosa!" A voice called.

It sounds distant.

"Hey, wait up!"

Bahiya looks confused and slowed down her running pace. "Kosa, do you hear something or is it just me?"

I slow down my running pace too. "Yeah, I can hear it too. It sounds like someone is calling us from behind!"

"We should stop and see who it is. It could be your Aunt or Uncle I guess?"

"Yeah, they probably forgot to tell us something probably."

Bahiya and I stopped our running. We turn around and see a leopard running straight towards our way.

"Finally, I have found you both!" Said the leopard happily.

It was hard to make out who it was at first. But something had clicked inside my head. It's Bisa the leopard from the 'Rock Lands'! She helped us seek shelter, food, and water at the 'Dawn Lands' where a large lion pride named, "Chewa" rests. Bisa is very kind and sweet. What is she doing out here far from the Rock Lands I wonder? Was she following our tracks this whole time?

Bahiya looks thrilled. "Bisa!"

Once Bisa finally got to us, she stopped running and sat down on the warm desert sand to catch her breath. Her two cubs, "Jahi" and "Karimu" are riding on her back.

I look delighted. "Hey Bisa! What are you doing out here far from home?"

After finally catching her breath, she spoke with a smile. "To find you guys! It took me two full days."

"Why? Did something terrible happened back home?" Bahiya asked.

"Haha, no! Every since you guys had left, I had done some serious thinking."

"About what?" I asked.

"I would like to be a part of your Pride!" Bisa beams.

"Wait, really?!" I asked, now sounding excited.

She nodded, "Yes!"

Bahiya jumps up happily while clapping her paws. "Yay! What had made you come to the decision, Bisa?"

"I realize that the Rock Lands is pretty boring and lonesome without anyone. I could use some company! Plus, I want my cubs to grow up in a very nice environment and hopefully later on in their lives help re-populate our species." Bisa explains.

I smile and hugged her. "Of course you can join our pride. You were helpful in the beginning of our journey."

"Thank you, Prince! I am so grateful."

"Yes! Your a friend to us now. We appreciate your time." Said Bahiya, after placing her paw on top of Bisa's.

"Thank you!"

I turn around and start walking again through the small desert. "Come on, lets try to get out of this sandy place and find some land with grass!" The sand is starting to annoy me as the wind continues to blow some of it into my eyes.

Bahiya and Bisa both nod their heads. Bahiya walks close on my right side while Bisa took my left. Her cubs are quiet sleeping on her back enjoying their free ride. I am so glad Bisa will be a part of our Pride. That's one member so far! Soon we will build more and I am hoping that they will be lions. I might have a special job for Bisa. She could become my assistant if she choose to be. I'll talk to her privately about that later. For now, there is nothing to worry.

Dream home whenever you are, we are coming to you!

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