Allison Out Of The Picture...Or Is She?

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Jared's breath gets caught in his throat, he feels like his heart stops, he literally digs his nails into his arm hard enough to draw blood while squeezing his eyes shut. Hoping it's just another nightmare and begging to wake up, but when he hears Jensen scream...he knows it's not and opens his eyes...

"NO!" Jensen screams as he sprints towards her, the person who stabbed Allison running through the crowd and getting away.

Jensen drops down beside her, holding her in his arms.

Jared runs over, alerting security. The crowd starts screaming  as they all scurry and run out of the complex. Prince looks in the crowd to where Jared, Jensen and Allison are, he puts down his guitar as he quickly starts making his way over but his bodyguard stops him.

"Sir, I'm sorry but for your safety I need you up here with us." The bodyguard says.

Prince scoffs.

"Excuse me? What about my Wife? Laying there bleeding out on the grass down there? Who's protecting her?" Prince asks in panic.

The bodyguard looks over at them before looking at Prince.

"Bodyguards are surrounding them as we speak and keeping an eye on your Wife. We can't let you go anywhere with the attacker on the loose." He says.

Prince huffs in frustration and anger, slamming his fists on the speaker in front of him.

Meanwhile, down on the ground...Jensen looks down at Allison in his arms. Tears filling his eyes, his grip on her getting tighter, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bandana, putting pressure on her wound.

Allison tried to steady her breathing while looking up at Jensen.

Allison tried to steady her breathing while looking up at Jensen

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"It's okay..." She whispers.

Jensen scoffs as tears escape his eyes, Jared drops down on the other side of Allison, putting pressure on her wound.

"Nothing about this is okay, Allison." Jensen says.

Jared starts to cry as he tries to stop her bleeding, he begins to get frustrated when it keeps pouring out of her.

"Dammit!" Jared yells out in frustration, his hands covered in blood.

Jensen looks at Jared's hands before looking back at Allison's face.

"Hey hey! You stay with me, you hear?" Jensen asks.

"I'm tired..." Allison breathes out.

She closes her eyes momentarily as tears escapes her eyes.

"But you're gonna stay awake for're the strongest person I know Allison. I wouldn't be here today if you didn't come into my life and help me...Allison I need you, Prince needs you, Jensen needs you...we all do!" Jared cries.

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