Chapter 3|The Kids Don't Wanna Come Home

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Second person pov

Right as Izuku was opening the door to his home, you used your clairvoyant abilities to see your apartment. Like seeing beyond where you are. (not really sure how to explain but this is my idea of it rip sorry lol) There were two people there, and from what you could tell, it was your aunt doing. . . Business. Due to family issues, your aunt was currently taking care of you. She was twenty nine, and her quirk had something to do with controlling her hair. For her age, she looked pretty attractive to the average person. That was necessary for her kind if work.

"Well, um, thank you for coming with me all the way to my apartment. . . If you're not in a rush or anything-" Izuku yelped as he was cut off by his mother.

"Izuku! You're home!" Then she gasped. "And you've brought a friend! And it's a girl!" Izuku's mom came forward and began to shake your hand. She was short and cute, now you saw where Izuku got it from. But still, he was taller than you, even if just by a little.

"I'm so happy Izuku's brought a friend over! I can't remember the last time he has!" Then she turned and faced Izuku, upset. "Have you invited her for dinner yet?" She gasped again, covering her mouth with her hands. "You haven't, have you? Don't be rude, Izuku!"

Well, I was just about to do that, he wanted to say but didn't. "Um-yeah, I know! (y/n), if you're not busy or anything. . . Would you like to come in and have dinner with us? That is if you're not in a rush or anything. And you don't have to, only if you want," he did his best to ease any pressure he was giving you. So damn CUTE.

It would be beneficial to everyone if you accepted this invite, you thought. You gave them both a smile. "I'd be honoured to," you answered. Izuku felt his face heat up, and his mother cheered.

For dinner, Mrs. Midoriya (or Inko) was serving pork cutlet bowl. You could tell from Izuku's concealed excitement that he really enjoyed it. I gotta get this dude some of this stuff sometime, you promised yourself. You also enjoyed seeing him so happy. It gave you a warm feeling in your chest. Sure, you had your aunt, but it was awkward. Especially since you only moved into her place three months ago.

"So, (y/n), what kind of work does your family do?" Mrs. Midoriya asked.

"A-Ah, mom, you don't have to interogate her," Izuku reached out worriedly.

"I'm just curious is all! She seems like such a well behaved young lady~" She cupped her face, clearly finding you appealing or something of the sort. For some reason, adults seemed to like you. Or at least you thought they were easier to talk to than kids your age. The same went for young children. Perhaps because you weren't as afraid of their judgement towards you than regular kids. Strange.

"It's okay, Izuku!" you assured. It wasn't. They couldn't know what kind of shit your family did. You didn't want them feeling sorry for you. It would make you feel guilty. As a good liar, you could make something up on the spot. You just need a moment.

"Neither of my parents were heroes, but my older brother,(b/n), really inspired me. He told me all about All Might and Present Mic and Endeavour and I was fascinated. Currently, my father and mother work abroad as staff for a hero association way way up in Japan!" you tried to claim, tried to sound excited. That was bullshit.

"Hold on a sec, you never mentioned a brother," Izuku exclaimed. "How come?"

"Um, I don't like to talk about him. He passed away two months ago," you informed them. That was awkward. The atmosphere changed a little.

"Oh. . .(y/n), I'm so sorry. . ." Izuku apologized.

"Poor baby," Mrs. Midoriya spoke sadly.

You made them feel bad for you anyways. Dammit. You tried to shrug it off.

"Why are you apologizing? You can't do anything about it. I'm okay, really," you said. Smiling and fidgeting your hands a little. You weren't really "okay," but you were definitely more okay than when (b/n) was alive.

"Yeah, you're right. Still though. I had no idea. . ."

"It's my fault for asking," she said.

"Neither of you are at fault! Really! It's okay! I'm sure (b/n) wouldn't want me to feel like this anyway, haha," you laughed a little to try and relax them. But not too much to make it seem like you don't care. You do though, but not in a correct way.

"Okay. . ."

"Thank you for the meal, by the way! Both of you!" you thanked them. "I'm very grateful!"

Actually, you ate more than you were used to and ended up throwing up in the middle of the night. Even with how much you protested, your aunt made you stay home from school as sick.

I'm fucking pathetic, you thought. But it was probably for the best. You slept for three hours until you finally decided to get up and move around and stuff. All there was for you to eat was maruchan and hot cheetos. Safe to say neither of that would do much good so you headed out to the closest convenience store with barely enough money in your pocket.

Actually, your weak body could barely handle walking past the balcony. It was definitely better to stay in and rest.

So you took another nap for the next to hours, until someone knocked on your door.

Obviously what you told deku wasn't the truth but I PROMISE I'll make it clear eventually ok ily pls keep reading
And I also decided I'm gonna update three times every weekend! At the least. Maybe I'll update in the middle of the week. Idk. But uh, I turn 14 today. Cool.

Diamond Mind (Izuku Midoriya x Reader x Shouto Todoroki)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang