Part 1|Person Like Him

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Second person pov

It'd only been two weeks since starting U.A, and you'd already gotten to know everyone pretty well. Ochaco Urarako was happy and cheery, also pretty cute. Iida Tenya was really serious, but he had his own comedic moments. Tsuyu Asui was cute and smart as well. Everyone was cute and smart! You couldn't help but feel happy at having such amazing people in the same class you. Hell, it was also amazing you managed to get put in that class at the last minute. But you don't want to make yourself seem better than any of these kids.

"Okay, class. This is a study hall period. Do what you want, just keep it down and don't make a mess before I wake up." With that, Mr. Aizawa took a nap in his weird cocoon, making you think of him as a depressed yellow worm. Or homeless man sleeping under a bridge.

Immediately after that announcement, the class began to move around and talk. Even though you were friendly with everyone, you didn't really have any actual friends to go hang around. So you just took out your sketchbook from your backpack and tried to come up with something to draw. You'd been gifted with an artistic skill for a long time. When you were younger, that was your original career choice. You vaguely remember showing your friends really terrible drawings you just thought were the shit in like, second grade or something.

After an accident, you decided to aim your best at becoming a hero. If not an official pro, at least a good person. A good person whose existence can make people happy. But you're not really a good person, and you're not really great with people...

At least that's what you believe, unaware of how much Izuku Midoriya has been admiring you. Right now, he was staring at you curiously while Ochako and Iida talked with Shoto Todoroki. Izuku couldn't pay much attention to them though, being too distracted.

"Midoriya? What are you looking at?" asked Iida. Hearing his name being called grabbed his attention. He was immediately embarrassed, and began stuttering while coming up with an excuse. The rest had already followed his eyes, which lead to you.

"Oh, (l/n) (y/n)?" asked Ochaco.

"I've talked with her a little before. But I guess she's actually kind of lonely," commented Tokoyami.

"Shall we provide her some company then?" Iida grinned proudly. Izuku panicked. But he couldn't refuse either. Iida began the lead to move over to you, the rest followed. Izuku hoped he didn't do anything stupid.

You noticed a presence very close and looked up when shadow formed in front of you. It was class rep Iida, Ochaco, Shoto, and Izuku. You already knew their names without struggle, which made you pretty happy. But you were nervous on why they were here. Had you done something wrong?

"Um, do you need something?" you asked.

"(l/n)! I believe we've already met, but we couldn't help but notice you here by yourself," spoke Iida. Huh? you wondered. "It would be good to make sure that doesn't happen anymore." Oh. Nice. Friends. Izuku worried you though. He kept looking away and was sweating nervously. Shoto looked dead as shit, not gonna lie. But it seemed like he wasn't against befriending you.

"Oh, what are you drawing?" smiled Ochaco. You removed your hand and showed them the a doodle of Kermit you made before they arrived. "Wow! That's so cute! Did you draw that?" Ochaco was sweet, but that question made your blood boil. You tried to hide it, but your resting bitch face seemed to scare them a little.

It didn't help when you said "Yeah," making it sound more venomous than intended. Shit.

"Th-That's cool! I didn't know you liked art!" she said. You were tempted to say you didn't, even though you did. It was strange. If you responded with something else, it would still sound rude somehow.

"Well, I am," you said slowly, trying to keep a not happy but not mad tone.

"Izuku, don't you like to draw too?"


"U-Um, yeah! B-But (y/n)'s way better at it than I am, haha! I could never compete with someone as advanced as you," he chuckled nervously, speaking kind of fast.

Dude, chill, you thought.

"Just how advanced at art are you, (l/n)?" asked Iida.

"Um. I've been drawing since I was seven, played piano and ukulele at nine, I've been dancing since I was eleven. But playing ukulele is the best I am at arts," you tried to smile. It felt awkward. But it was somewhat genuine. They looked shocked, surprised. Shoto's expression barely changed though. But it was still one of surprise.

"I'd love to hear you play for us some time!" Ochaco cheered.

"Y-Yeah, so I would I," Izuku agreed meekly. It's a start, he thought. He remembered in middle school seeing you play in the park under a tree. He hadn't heard you play since, and actually kind of forgot about it. He felt a little ashamed.

"Can you draw something for us?" Ochaco asked.

You began to felt nervous. "U-Um..."

Shoto noticed your discomfort. "Let's back off a little. She's clearly feeling a bit overwhelmed," he suggested. Then he looked at you again. "I take it you're not used to attention?" Wow, what an edgy little fucker. But you appreciated him saying what you were thinking. You shook your head in response to his question.

"I see. Please excuse us then. Our deepest apologies," Iida put a hand to his chest sympathetically, apolagetically.

"I guess we got kind of carried away... Sorry," apologized Ochaco while rubbing the back of her hand. "Do you want us to leave you alone?"

You gave it a moment of thought. You were happy people were so interested in the bland and boring you, but it took you a moment to actually process everything in social situations like these. You lacked experience, this kind especially. Except for communication with teachers and instructors. When you were told what to do and when and how.

Again, you shook your head. "No, it's okay! I'm sorry, I'm just... Kind of nervous," you looked down, forcing a smiling.


"Aw, it's ok! We'll try not to come off too strongly then," Ochaco assured. You let out a sigh and looked at them again.

"Thank you. Then um, what would you like me to draw?"

I haven't published something new in a long time! I'm sorry! But I recently got into bnha and im love-
Oh also this was originally male reader but I felt like too many people disliked that so now you're a girl ig eh

Diamond Mind (Izuku Midoriya x Reader x Shouto Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now