Introducing Saskia Newman Chapter-One

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Book Two

Saskia Newman

(Book One Elizabeth, is available to read on Wattpad, you don't have to read both books this could be it's own story!)

Chapter One


Saskia POV

I'm Saskia Newman, my father is Gabriel Newman, the original Alpha of Blue-Sky Mountain pack and now the previous Ultimate Alpha. I live with my family not far from the pack. My uncle Eric is stepping down for my brother Willis to take over this summer. I'm the baby of the family, you wouldn't think it if you see my height or the way I fight but I'm the youngest, I have another brother same age as Willis he's called Alex, he's from my mom's first marriage, both Alex and Willis are very close and it's always been that way.

I have been sheltered all my life not just because I'm the youngest but I'm half human, my mother is all human like Alex and it's never been possible before. I'm treated like this miracle with my pack but if others knew it wouldn't be the same respect.

Humans are not to know the existence of werewolves and definitely not to live in a pack community. My mother is part of the pack unofficially and has a lot of respect from the members not just because of my dad but they all love her and she's grown into everyone's hearts through the years, I haven't known  any different, Alex has grown up with every one and has the pack life but lives away in college with other humans. I'm studying in college, I would like to go into the nursing field to help others, Liam inspires me, I would often watch him work at the hospital, he bought me a nurse costume when I was seven with a bag that had these hospital implements, I wore the costume all the time and followed him around, I never lost that feeling and choose my career path after school. I returned home every weekend and everyone was happy going on with our lives.

There was the threat of Del Mason Badlands Alpha, Dakota pack. He tried to kidnap me when I was a baby and has an unhealthy obsession with me. My dad hasn't stopped training me and has always been on his guard.

Then there's this years elders meeting with my uncle they ruled for me to go on a pack tour through my summer holidays, I have been a secret long enough, although I'm sure others know of me.
My wolf is strong and powerful, she needs more interaction with other werewolves. The others my age and older in Blue Sky have been in contact with other packs and attended events. My dad has been against letting me attend other territories. The elders of the pack and current alpha has ruled against my father's wishes and have arranged the visits.

My dad wasn't happy but deep down he knew this would of happened. I have two escorts, my dad being one and my uncle Liam. He's not really my uncle like the alpha but my dad's cousin but he's always been with me and best friends with my mom, he practically lives with us and I even say my second dad how protective he is of me just like his daughter Nia, we're close like sisters. Nia hasn't known any different to Liam as her father but he's really her Uncle her mom killed herself and no one knows who her father is? She never talks about it.

I lived with my mom, dad, Willis, Alex, Nia and sometimes Liam. My home was always full and really busy, I liked that.

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