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Chapter Seven

Luna Challenge

Saskia POV

When we arrived home, I didn't speak, eat properly.

I trained first thing in the morning, studied and went to bed and sobbed. What hurts the most, he would of rejected me if it wasn't for Uncle Liam. Once you declare the rejection in full, there's no going back, it's like your soul being ripped apart or that's what I was told. It doesn't happen often, if at all.

My wolf was depressed, she was hoping for our mate to come to us but I kept telling her, he wasn't going to and we needed to move on. Easier said than done.

Antonio has been trying to get hold of me, calling me, leaving messages.

My dad was very quiet and didn't speak a word about what happened.

I couldn't talk about him, my mate, it makes me upset, so no one did mention him.

Four weeks had passed and my brother was training for the challenge Cup. It's held in different packs every decade, not always with an ultimate alpha, my dad was the last one, it's a taking a long time to have the new generation, there is conspiracies saying that ultimate breeding is dying or someone is eliminating them beforehand, I really don't know lots of gossips through the years.

Now "my mate" this generation Alpha will be in Redwood where we met Alpha Trey and Luna Summer Woods. Its been held to see who's the strongest. They would also hold other classes, best fighter, best beta, best tracker amongst other classes.

To take my mind off my mate I have helped Willis with my dad, every day. Wanting him to win and show everyone how good he is. I'm really proud of him, living in dad's shadow he wants and needs this win.

We had our final training morning, the boys were still showering and changing. I walked into the kitchen.

My mum and Liam were in a deep conversation and hushed up when I walked in.

"hi honey, how was training"

"mom, stop trying to cover up what you and uncle Liam were talking about?"

She looked guilty while Liam looked amused.

"can I hear what you were talking about or would I not want to know"

"it's nothing, really"

Mom walked closer to me with a plate, she had breakfast cooked and ready for us after training.

"try to eat something, you've been working hard and there's nothing of you"

She gave me, you better listen to me look.

I took the plate and walked to the counter and started to take pick up some bacon with the tongs.

Liam walked to the side of me and smirked.

He could be a menace when he wants to be. Everyone was worried about me, he never looked sorry for me as the others, like he knew something.

"can I help you"

"coming up for food like you"

He started to put food on his plate.

"how many times have you come up and had seconds"

I smiled knowing the answer

"not many times but I do love your smile"

"are you leaving for the challenge tomorrow?"

"of course, I want to support my brother and friends"

"you know who's going to be there"

I did and with his chosen mate but I needed to do this for Willis.

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