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Chapter Fifteen

"I want you"

Saskia's POV

I awoke the next morning lying on top of my mate, holding him close. He was fast asleep. I was mortified, how did this happen. I thought of the dream and the warm hands.

I need to get up, I lift myself away from him and a growl followed, it was James but he woke himself up by doing so and surprised him as well.

"Saskia where are you going"

"bathroom and to change for a morning running"

"I will come with you"

"there's no need"

"I want to"

I stand up and look at him, just in shorts, half of his body exposed and is a lovely body, snap out of it.

He smirks knowing that I had eyed him up.

"can you leave now"

"as long as you have had enough of looking at my body, you will not be the only one but the most important one"

"please your werewolf, all of you are the same, I see it all the time"

"there's me thinking that for once you we're actually interested in me, not another alpha"

I didn't like what he was saying

"will you stop this and tell me why you're in my bed"

"I'm not far from you and you were having a nightmare and you're wolf was calling out, I couldn't control him he wanted to protect her. When I came in I thought if I seen you it would be enough for him. You were moving around on the bed, I bent down and held you and it helped you to sleep, I didn't want to leave you and your wolf and your body wanted me even though you're telling me you don't"

I looked at him and I didn't want to lie anymore.

"thank you, I was having a nightmare. I'm sorry if I'm confusing you but I don't know what I want anymore"

He stared at me, I walk away in the bathroom locked myself in. Washed and changed for my run.

I opened my door to look for him, he had gone thankfully.

I sneak out of my window and carried on the track for my run when I see him standing there waiting for me.

"morning, I remembered how you like to use this side of the track for your running"

"Well that was very astute of you"

"not just nice body that you admired this morning"

"will you stop talking about your body"

I walk past ready to run.

"we could talk about yours"

He winked at me and went into a run leaving me behind. What was that.

I run after him, he's not being easy on me, he's using his alpha strength to push himself. I try really hard to keep up. As we reach the top of the lake he's waiting for me.

"glad you could join me"

"we can't all be the ultimate alpha"

"now is that a compliment"

I smiled

I look over to the lake, it's a cold day but clear, frosty it was picturesque.

"its my favorite place to come and clear my head"

Saskia  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now