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Chapter Six

Pain like no other .....

Saskia POV

Liam pushed Newman off James.

"I will show you what I think of your daughter, ", I James Wolfe from the Blue Ridge Pack Reject Saskia......"

Liam punches James in the mouth, I thought James was angry before he looked beyond in control with his wolf, it was the disrespect that can't be taking. I couldn't watch him turn into his wolf and hurt my family even though all I wanted to do is cry from the hurt.

I look to Liam, for some bright ideas, he smirked which doesn't help.

"to calm him down and stop him changing, comfort him"

"What, after what he said?"

"if you don't want a war to start"

I nod

I turn to look at James he couldn't control his wolf his eyes are pitch black, he was shaking, I don't know what to do but I went closer, I tried to touch him at first he flinched his human side the part that instantly despised me then I tried gently grazing my finger tips up his muscular arms. I could feel a sensation tingle through my arm it's warm, sensual, loving, all his emotions opened up to me.

He must have been feeling the same, his wolf side looked like he was enjoying this moment with his mate but as soon as I could start to read his emotions he jumped away like I was dirt on his shoe. We were back to the hatred.

"stay away from me, you, your pack and you're family"

A man came from behind, shorter and wide build, looking at us then his eyes landed on my dad. He had a slight smile but seen his Alpha frown and straightened up, it was his beta Jack we spoke to earlier.

"Hi, we were all looking for the alpha. His future Luna Carly wanted him to do a speech to all his guests"

Then my heart just didn't shattered but disintegrated, he already taking a chosen mate even though he only said tonight that we all have mates.

He didn't wait, he found himself a full bred She-wolf worthy of the title Luna of Blue Ridge.

My dad and Liam looked at me with sad eyes knowing that I was going to fall apart.

I was grateful for Liam, he gave us a graceful leave. He stepped forward to keep my dad from trying to kill my so called mate.

"well, you have found him, shouldn't keep the guests waiting, we will be leaving ourselves"

The Beta nodded to Liam and showed my mate the exit, he was surprisingly quiet, a look of anger at first then a look of shame and sadness, I didn't want to look at him anymore.

He turned to walk away and turned around to look at me, I turned away.

He just left, Liam guided me out with dad being super quiet behind us.

"if you both want to go and I will go into the ballroom and get Nia and Willis so we head off home this evening"

Liam turned to look at me.

I wanted to say goodbye to Antonio and a little part of me, the sadistic side wanted to see a glimpse of Carly, to know who he would chosen, even before meeting me and knowing who I was.

"it's alright, I will go in to the ballroom, I would like to say goodbye to Antonio"

Liam looked at me to assess if I'm going to be OK. He nodded

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