"Don't you think this is gonna come back to bite us in our ass, Sam" I said trying to take the phone from him.

"No, no wait that....okay that isn't true. It's mine and Uncle Charles gave it to me. I'm sorry" he confessed

I laughed, maybe a little too loud but of course I did. Only Uncle Charles would do something like that. He gave me a magazine full of good looking men too but I'm not so dumb to put it under my bed. That is like, so obvious.

Sam shushed me and went back to speaking to his phone. "Mojo, I love you" he said.

We both then looked up but the funny thing was....the robot wasn't there. My eyes widened and my heart sprang into my chest. It wasn't there!

But that wasn't the least of our problems. I heard growls and looked around. We slowly got up to see what it was but immediately sprinted away from two dogs.

"No, you two are good dogs!" Sam screamed as if it would help. "Good dog!"

We jumped up onto a few tins while the dogs barked at us. They tried jumping up but couldn't reach us.

Our car then came out of nowhere and drove around chasing the dogs away but then proceeded to circle the tins. I'm really scared now.

"Okay. Please don't kill us, okay! Take the keys! We don't want them" he said as he threw the keys at the car and pulled me along as we ran. I looked back to see that it followed us but then turned away. I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

I then looked forward when I heard police sirens.

"Good, you're here" Sam said as the cops stepped out of the car but then they pointed their guns at us. I stepped back even more scared than before.

I immediately put my hands up showing that I surrendered knowing before they even said the words.

"Let me see your hands" I nudged Sam and he did the same but talked.

"No, no, no, it wasn't us!" He shouted.

'Oh wow, Sam. That is what a guilty person says!'

"Shut up and walk towards the car" one of the cops shouted.

We walked towards the police and put our hands behind our heads. Knowing what comes next I laid my head on the hood. Sam and the two police men looked at me shocked but then proceeded to cuff us.

I ain't making things worse. We were already in enough trouble as it is.

They drove us to the police station where they interrogated us. I was getting more and more frustrated. After all, I woke up in the middle of the night, probably looking like crap, my car is ALIVE! And now this cop is freaking retarded and Sam is a down right idiot.

It was early in the morning when dad came to bail us out but we were still going through damn interrogations. I'm pretty sure you are not supposed to say that your car is alive. It could come back to kill us, but did Sam think about that? No, no he didn't.

"I can't be any clearer than I'm being right now. It just stood up" Said Sam and I looked up to the ceiling with a sigh.

"Just stood up huh? Wow. Okay kid, Time to fill it up. And no drippy-drippy. You too Miss Missy'' I laughed and rolled my eyes not taking the cup he was giving me and proceeded to play with a twirl in my unkempt afro. Along the way, I lost my bonnet.

"What are you two rolling? Goofballs? A little wowed sauce with the boys?" He said as he looked at us. I looked at him skeptically.

"We aren't on drugs, my brother's just an idiot that's really sleep deprived" I said

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