I'm Sorry

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* Your P.O.V*

You walked into the bridge of the main ship contemplating why Leia had called you here. When you got to the bridge you saw only the General's most trusted advisers...what eve[r the problem is it must be big, and highly confidential.

"Now that we're all here lets begin" the General said as she pulled up a hologram of the planet Oriosis and the surrounding space.

"Jakku is under Imperial control but the First Order doesn't pay much attention to outer-rim planets. But plenty of people would gladly tip off the First Order for a warm meal or a day's pay." Leia began.

"That makes this the perfecet planet to place a false trail. One of our pilots will head to the planet and poke around pretending to be on a scouting mission and dropping clues about a possible base on the planet. No one outside of this room is to know about the mission. The more people get involed, the higher the chance of someone letting something slip. As far as everyone else needs to know it was a routine scouting operation gone wrong. The goals are simple, get in, lay down a false trail and some rumors, then GET OUT. This mission is highly dangerous and capture by the first order is likely....." Leia briefed.
"And Y/n will be our pilot for this mission" She finished.
"No. She can't go" Poe interrupted.
"You need someone with experience someone who can keep their head on straight when things get rough" Poe growled his voice low and commanding and he stared down Leia.
"That is why I chose y/n" Leia said meeting his gaze.
"She isn't going" Poe growled.
"I made the offer, it is now up to her" Leia responded.
"I'm going" you interrupted fiercely as you bit your lip to keep from hurling the wild accusations swirling in your mind.
"Leia" Poe said his voice softening at a last attempt.
"It's her choice" Leia said before walking out.

You turned and walked out of the bridge without another word, Poe's expression burned into your retinas.  His words like poison eating away at your skin. You started towards the hangar when you heard a voice behind you....

"Y/n" you turned to see Poe watching you.
"I need to talk to you" he continued.
"Okay" you said icily
"Privately" he said. You sighed and followed Poe to a corner of the ship.
"You can't go" he said his eyes narrowing.
"Hmm that seems familiar....oh wait I said that to you before the mission on Endor and I don't recall you not going" you said cooly
"Y/n please, I don't care if you hate me or despise me for the rest of my life, I just want you to be safe" Poe pleaded his face softening.
"I think I am capable of taking care of myself just fine" you replied icily.
"Please don't go y/n" he finished.
"I'm sorry" you replied coolly before brushing past him. You ran to your quarters on the ship fighting tears along the way.

"Wait!" Poe called out, but his words were lost to the wind sweeping the compound.

You put the briefing hologram beside your bed and decided to catch some because if the mission was successful you wouldn't be getting much sleep for a while....

~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~

You awoke to the morning sun seeping through your windows and as you rolled over you noticed something was missing, it took you a moment to notice but then you saw the briefing was gone. You scoured your quarters wondering what could have happened, and you noticed on your table was a hologram. You played it and at once Poe's image appeared on screen. He said only two words but you knew what he had done.

"I'm sorry Y/n" the hologram repeated then vanished...

Author's Note
Sorry this was short and sorry about the cliffhanger. I might be taking a break from Wattpad for a while. THANK YOU GUYS SO SO SO SO MUCH! FOR OVER 1k READS IT MEANS SO MUCH!!! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!!!

Poe DAMNeron ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now