"The Name's Poe, Poe Dameron"

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*Your P.O.V.*
You had just joined the rebellion . You were orphaned when you were young. You never knew your parents.....

It was going to be your first mission. You jumped into the x-wing and set off with the rest of the fleet. Speeding through the galaxy, dodging and blasting the First Order's ships was your kind of fun. You helped take out one of the first cannons. Out of the corner of your eye you saw one ship speed up while the rest fell back. You didn't know why but you just had to follow. The words fell out of your mouth before you even considered the risks...
"I got your back red leader"
You sped up to catch up to the pilot. You saw the tie fighter coming before the pilot did. You took aim and shot. Your shot found it's mark and the pilot was safe. You called out
"Take that scum!"
And the pilot (you could tell he was male because of his masculine voice) responded with
"We're not done yet"
"Don't get cocky"
But you could hear the smile in his voice. He loves this as much as you do. You sped up again hoping to catch him. You pulled up alongside him as he took aim for the second-to-last cannon and shot. The cannon was blasted to bits as you took aim and shot the last cannon. Your shot stayed strong and true as it
annihilated the cannon. You whooped with joy as you flew back to the base alongside him. You landed your x-wing and hopped out and saw a pilot walking towards you.

"Hi" you said as you made a few minor repairs.
"Who are you" you asked
"The name's Poe. Poe Dameron" he replied and as soon as you heard his unmistakable determined and masculine voice you knew it was the pilot you had followed.
"And you are" he said seemingly casual, but you could see it was killing him not knowing who you were.
"My name's y/n (your name)"
"What? No last name" he replied jokingly
"Never had one" you replied with out a hint of remorse or emotion.
"Oh I'm sor-" he started
"Its fine it happened a long time ago" you cut in quickly. Before either one of you could say anymore General Leia Organa stalked over..

Author's Note:
Hey I'm really sorry if I made mistakes, spelled something wrong, or screwed this up in any way. This is my first fanfic. I really wanted to find a good Poe Dameron imagine but none fit what I wanted, so I decided SCREW THE SYSTEM IMA WRITE MY OWN! Hope you like these and they are all the same people and situations, not different ones each chapter. Enjoy!

Poe DAMNeron ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now