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Xukun did bring me home yesterday without saying anything to me. He just drove me home, and just that. As we reached to the front of the condominium, he did not even bothered to come with me inside like how he usually does every time he brings me home. And also last night, I did not even slept well because of what he said to me yesterday keeps on replaying back and forth in my mind! ugh!

"hey Areum! How was---hey are you okay?" Chengcheng said as he sat right in front of me.

"uh yeah! Hey I missed you!" I hugged Chengcheng and kissed his cheek.

"I missed you too." then we took our seat again as he stared at me. "are you really okay? Something's bothering you? You look so tired this early in the morning."

"yeah I'm okay. Just did not catch enough sleep last night that's why." I smiled at him, trying to mask off this guilt that has been killing me since yesterday. "so how was your trip??"

"oh that, I thought it would be fun but it was the complete opposite. It was actually a business trip! Dad send me to attend the meeting instead of my sister since she's very busy. Ahhh so stressful" he rubbed his temples. "so how was everyone while I'm away? Is everything good? How about you? Is my princess doing fine?" I giggled at his cuteness as he bombarded me with questions.

" hey hey hey chill with the questions Cheng haha! Okay first, everyone was doing fine mr. vice president. Next, everyone was doing good surprisingly! Not giving the president namely Xukun a headache since everyone was behaving well. Third and fourth, yep! I'm fine and doing good as well. But there's actually one thing that keeps me down whenever I remember your absence...."

"what? Hey what is it?? Tell me!" he panicked a little so I leaned closer to his ear to whisper something.

"I miss your hugs and especially your kisses Cheng. Soooo much!" I smirk at the thought of him blushing right now. As I leaned back, hah! I was right, he's blushing like crazy right now.

"ahh hahaha you naughty girl. I missed your teasing stuff on me too haha! Come here" he pulled me closer as he kissed the side of my lips. He leaned closer to my ear. "I can't wait for the day to come that I can finally kiss you on the lips Areum" I blushed as I felt his breath lingering on my skin. I immediately pulled back as the thought of someone might saw us this close and flirting.

"hey Chengcheng, what's up with the sudden boldness? Hmm do I have to tease first so that you will be this open to me?" I smirked at him. He just smirked back and looked at me straight on the eye.

"try me Areum" he winked.

I was about to protest but the bell began to rang, signalling that the first subject will start in the next 5 minutes and our classmates slowly filling up the room too.

"well Areum, let's have lunch outside the school later hmm?" I nodded in response. He goes back to his seat and chatted with his seatmates, justin and ziyi.

I was in my deep thoughts again when the chair behind me being pulled back woke me up in my mini world. I check who it was and it's him. I bit my lip nervously, hesitating whether I should speak up or not.

"do you wanna say something or nah?" I almost jumped up from my seat when he suddenly spoke up, but his attention was outside the window, placing his face on his palm looking all bored.

"um....I want to apologize...I'm sorry Kunkun" i looked down, anxious of what will his response be.

"sorry for what?" he replied, still not looking at me.

"for blaming everything to you when in the first place it was all me who started everything. I'm sorry for judging you. I'm really sorry."

"hey look at me. Eyes up here Areum." I did as what he told me to do. He was looking at me already. "did you really mean everything you said just now?"

"yes I did and I'm really really really sorry!" he smiled at me.

"hmmmm yeah. If that's the case then I forgive you."

"gosh thank you so much Kunkun!!" as if my body has it's own mind, I was too late to realize that I am now hugging his neck. I awkwardly pulled away.

"um I'm sorry. I was not thinking that's all." I was about to turn my back against him when suddenly I heard him laugh.

"hahaha! Oh come on Areum why so shy all of a sudden? It was just a hug and it's fine. You know that we actually did more than that right?" he wiggled his eyebrows up and down as he said the last part. I can feel my cheeks burning up right now. I hit his arm which made him stop laughing. Hah! Good for you! Hmp!

"heyy! That hurts!" he said while rubbing the part where I hit him while pouting.

"serves you well! You should keep your voice down or else someone might hear you! And please, stop pouting cos it looks so gross that I think I'm gonna puke!"

"heyyy why are you so mean to me! I just forgave you yet you're bullying me again? Tsk tsk! Bad Areum. Bad girl!"

"whatever! So are we good now??"

"hmm let me think ab---hey!! Stop hitting me! Yes yes we're good now! Geez woman..."

"yaaayy!!! Xukun and I are friends now uhuh uhuh!" I did my mini victory dance right now. I heard him chuckled.

"silly girl" he said. I stick my tongue out to him when our teacher came.

"okay class! Sorry I'm late. I just excused myself from the meeting we have as of the moment. I'm here to announce that we will not be having our class today, as the faculty and staff is going to plan and sort things out for the upcoming school festival. But that doesn't mean that you will be left with no work at all. You have to come up with a plan for the booth this class is going to have and of course, the battle of the bands too. Class officers, I expect you to give me your final output later this afternoon dismissal. I'm going out now so you better start the class meeting. Bye!" our teacher announced which made everyone here in the class excited.

Xukun's POV

Us? Friends? Just friends? Nah. But if that's the only way that I can be close to her and have her by my side then I guess I'm okay with it now....*sigh* she's happy with what we have right now so I should be happy too right? Her smile draws my smile on my lips too....I should be happy for her.

Chengcheng's POV

As I watch Areum and Xukun right now, I can't help but to feel jealous. They look so close and carefree with eachother. And the way Xukun look at Areum, my Areum, something is different. Ugh! He's my friend. My best friend. He's not going to betray me. Maybe the reason why they are that close than me and areum is because they started to hang out more first than me and her. And they were just seatmates that's why they have more opportunities to chitchat than I can....right?

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