"She's talking to a friend," I say, before permitting myself to take a seat next to Mrs. Grayson that moved over for me. As I got comfortable a waitress came up to take my order, I ordered a glass of ice lemon water for both Demi & I.

"Selena darling, how are things in Harvard, I've heard a lot from your mother," Mrs. Grayson squeals.

"Well actually law-" I hardly began and my mother snipped in.

"Please Emma, give my Selena a break, she just got back," my mom laughs.

"I just wanted to introduce her to Liam, my nephew," Mrs. Grayson grins at my mother than to me, "Liam is getting into law school next Fall in Harvard."

"Hmm.. Great," I forced to smile, couldn't imagine how this would turn out.

"Well Selena is a wonderful girl, and is certainly breathtaking up to this day," all of us were a little taken back from Mrs. Jonas's compliment, she wasn't usually the one to give compliments, she is very arrogant in my perspective.

"Thanks," I mutter, catching an eye contact with her for the first time. She looked the same, maybe aged a bit, but she still looked elegant just like the first time I met her & the golden brown eyes she has, still reminds me of Nick.

"Oh this is Danielle if you remember, Kevin's wife," she introduces me to her, Danielle smiles and greets me with that pretty smile of hers I had always envied. She was the kindest lady in that family, especially compared to Denise. "Unfortunately Olivia and Blanda could not make it today, since they weren't officially listed in the family tree yet."

I hear my mom scoff, "Well, I think it's a bit too soon for the boys to talk marriage at this age." I hear my mother say to her.

"Why so? They're successful in school & they will soon inherit their father's business," Denise explains I such a casual tone as she sips her tea.

"Denise, your sons should learn the hardship of life without their parents support, I thought Nick knew better than that," my mom snickers, I couldn't help but let out a soft giggle, along with Mrs. Grayson.

Denise seems to be sitting there still a bit humbled by my mother's words.

"Nick did not need our support, he found his own way-" before Denise finished, we all turned to the handsome Nick Jonas who came from behind and giving his mother a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello Mrs. Grayson, Mrs. Gomez-Teefey," smiling at the ladies and the rest who were down the table and could not care less about the fuss on the other side of their table, "you young ladies talking about me again?"

"Your mother & Mandy seems to enjoy showing off their children," Mrs. Grayson grins at our mothers.

"Emma, you brought it up when speaking of your nephew," my mom turns her attention to Mrs. Grayson.

I look up to the jerk who was just staring at me with a playful grin the whole time, gosh I don't know if I just wanted to slap that smirk off his face or go up to kiss him. Because with him in that baby blue polo just made him look more handsome than ever.

I looked away quickly, "Excuse me." I said getting up from the awkward situation and passing the double doors back into the inside of the restaurant. And in no sight of Demi yet, I made my escape through the lobby.

On my way out I decided to text her.

Sorry Dems, gotta leave. The asshole is here.

Quickly I made my escape into the parking lot, passing Demi's car and into the road that is guided by high bushes on parallel sides to barricade from the farm land. This place was literally deserted from the town, town. I couldn't even recognize my way home, despite how often my family visits this place when I was young.

Demi used her stupid GPS & now I have no clue how to get home. And I had to wear this stupid pair of wedges.

I continued to walk until I heard an engine pull up & I could recognize this vehicle even when I'm old and wrinkled like a prune. His vintage black mustang was where we shared our first kiss.

He rolled down his window, "Hey, hop in, the city is far from here."

I ignored him and continued to walk along the bushes.

His car follows slowly, "Hey, it's just a ride... Plus your legs would have to suffer the long walk."

"Just drive along," I rolled by eyes and continued to walk.

"Can you just get in?" He cries, looking around and seeing some cars from the other side of the road give us looks on their way to the golf court.

"Just leave me alone Nicholas!" I spat at him.

"Fine," he angrily speaks, and starts his engine, driving off far down the road.

"Ugh!" I hear myself soar and stomp my way down the road. Stupid conceded jerk! I cursed him in my mind as trudged my way around the bushes, it took a long while before I reached the end of one block.

From a distance I see that familiar black mustang make his way back, I rolled my eyes. Not knowing if I was annoyed to see him or was I flattered to see him come back. He makes a U-turn, meeting me side by side.

"What?" I spat at him, it had came out harsher than expected.

"Please just get in," Nick frowns, opening the door for me already.

"Aren't you supposed to be picking up your girl friend?" I said, annoyed as I crossed my arms.

"Am I still someone's first crush?" He smirks.

"Fuck you Jonas," I hissed and walked away from him. If only I had a brain to know he would just drive up to my distance again.

"Okay look I'm sorry, but would you just get in the car please?" He asks politely this time, looking around for those reporters of the town, as if they would be interested in some council meeting.

"Just drive me home," I demanded, getting in and closed the door.

He starts the engine again, "Seat belt."

You Are My HeartbreakerWhere stories live. Discover now