My Normal Life Is Disappearing

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"GET UP NOW!!" That's the first thing I heard while I lay in bed. Who is this person and why the heck is she yelling so loud? Uh, I groaned in anger. I throw the covers over my head and tried to go back to the peaceful dream I was having. Before I knew it my covers where being thrown off my body. I open my eyes to see who wants to be slapped for interrupting my sleep. It was my mother, Jane. She was always really beautiful but today, I don't know but her hair was messed up and her clothes where no better being wrinkled. Who would have knew she can look that way. Well of course I couldn't slap her, but I was tempted. "Annabel! Your going to be late for the first day of school. GET UP!!", she said.

Yes, this is my life. I'm Annabel Grace. 14 years old, just starting freshman high school at Eastwood . Just my luck to go to a new school, in a new town. Me, my mom, and little brother had moved in this mansion a week before summer break was over. Now I have to go to school. I did something I didn't want to do. I got up and prepared myself for the worst day of my life.

Why do everything I say have to come true? I didn't mean for the worst day to happen but unfortunately my prediction came true. I hoped in the shower and jumped out in less then 30 minutes. I flat-ironed my hair and threw it back with a head-band. I put on my skinny jeans with my pink hollister hoodie and some white ballet shoes. I looked in the mirror and examined my face. I have blond hair that could be put in any style. I have really pale skin which I must say is weird. I have dark intense blue eyes. I have small lips, not too small. After looking in the mirror I put on a bit of lip gloss and headed out the door.

I walked my way through the short-cut in the woods. It only took me 15 minutes to get to school. I didn't bother to look at my new school, I just walked right in. The first thing that happened when I walked through the door was a boy. He was just standing there, back to me. "Ouch. You got one hard back. I think you'll like to know that people walk through here, so yeah you might not want to just stand there.", I said. He turned around. I froze as I took in his looks. He had brown hair, pale skin like mines. The thing that surprised me must though, was his eyes. I thought I had intense eyes, well his was really intense. I don't think that's possible but it seemed like it. At first he just stared at me, which made me feel out of place somehow. Then he said "I'm sorry." Before I could reply he left, but I watched him go. I shook the memory off and kept moving. I went to the office and got my information. As I exited the office I read over my stuff. My homeroom is English. Perfect. I turned and begone to look for my locker number 406. Finally I found my locker and my homeroom before the bell and everything seemed to be going fine until she walked up to me.

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